Chapter 5: Amidst Scandals and Stardom

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"Look at this, Teacher Seo. Didn't I tell you it seems like Cha Kang Hyun and Son Si Young are dating? If you watch the footage from the last premiere, it's undeniable. Son Si Young was especially smitten."

Teacher Kang Ho Jung, seated next to Yoon, showed her the phone and spoke.

"I wonder how long this will last? Didn't he date Jung Ha Na for several years last time? Anyway, I'm so jealous of Son Si Young."

On the phone that Ho Jung showed her, the main photo of the article was of the affectionate moments between Cha Kang Hyun and Son Si Young during the premiere.

"But Cha Kang Hyun is really fatal. Someone I know met him in person and was so surprised. They say the screen couldn't capture everything. Can you believe it? He's even better looking in person. Ah, I'd rather not see him. I think the aftereffects would be no joke."

"Ah......, yes."

"Why are you reacting like this? You said you liked Cha Kang Hyun too, didn't you, Teacher Seo?"

"Just a little......"

"Then you do like him. Teacher Seo, you can be honest. Do you think there's a woman in Korea who doesn't like Cha Kang Hyun? Sure, he's rumored to be a bit arrogant, but with a face like that, what can you do? We have to accept him. As long as Cha Kang Hyun doesn't commit a crime, everything is forgiven. He deserves the right to ward off criticism."

In truth, Yoon was also a fan of Cha Kang Hyun. That's why she always went to watch his movies when they were released.

Kang Hyun made movies sporadically, like beans sprouting during a drought. So, when an article came out that he was appearing in a movie, she eagerly waited until it was released in theaters.

Furthermore, Kang Hyun was the person who helped her escape from that hell. Yoon had a debt of 50 million won to repay to Kang Hyun.

However, he couldn't remember her at all. Given that her appearance must have changed, it was reasonable that he didn't remember. Yet, for some unknown reason, he scorned her.

'Why does he insist on getting married even though he dislikes it so much? Sigh.......'

It was when Yoon sighed and rose to walk towards the photocopier.

"Teacher Seo, please take care of mine too!"

Teacher Min Shin Joo, in charge of the English subject, handed her the materials in her hand with a smile in her eyes.


"Thank you, Teacher Seo."

Shin Joo tossed a half- hearted thank you and quickly turned around.

"Teacher Shin Min Joo, please stop bossing Teacher Seo around."

Teacher Park Seung Yeop, in charge of physical education, spat out the words as he passed by.

"Teacher Park, how many times have I told you, it's Min Shin Joo, not Shin Min Joo."

Shin Joo glared at Seung Yeop and hurriedly left.

"She's like that because you're too nice, Teacher Seo."

Seung Yeop, who had been glaring at Shin Joo, clicked his tongue and said.

"Is that so."

It wasn't so much because she was nice, but because she had no choice. Yoon was a new teacher who had signed a one- year temporary contract with Sura High School at the beginning of the year.

Therefore, she somehow ended up taking care of minor errands in the teachers' office. And among them, Teacher Min Shin Joo was the regular.

"I'll help you."

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