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Character Name: Mike Colosso

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Character Name: Mike Colosso

Backstory and History: Mike Colosso grew up in a broken home, surrounded by chaos and violence. Influenced by a negative environment, he fell into a life of crime and became a notorious villain. However, after a series of life-altering events, he and his family moved to the suburbs. He realized the error of his ways and decided to turn his life. Determined to be a force for good.


Personality Traits: Despite his serious demeanor, Mike has a hidden sense of humor that often surprises those around him. He has a deep understanding of pain. However, his lack of intelligence sometimes leads him into tough situations. Mike is resilient and has a quiet determination to prove himself.  After his transformation he is now blunt. Rude. Sarcastic. Aggressive and instinctual. He also struggles with feelings of self-doubt, stemming from the disappointment his family feels towards him.

Physical Characteristics: Mike is a 17-year-old with a strong, muscular build. His face bears the scars of his tumultuous past. His most striking feature is his transformation into a werewolf, exhibiting yellow cat eyes, pointy teeth, and pointy ears. This appearance often causes fear and unease in those who encounter him.

Goals and Aspirations: Mike aspires to become a true hero despite his dark past. He aims to prove to himself and his family that he is capable of change by using his newfound super strength for the greater good. His ultimate goal is to protect innocent lives and make amends for the harm he caused as a villain.

Relationships: Mike's relationship with his sister, Amy, is strained due to her fear and inability to accept his transformation. He yearns to reconnect with her despite their differences. Jake's girlfriend, Hailey, a werecat, provides him with the support and understanding he needs. Their relationship helps him find solace and acceptance.

Flaws and Weaknesses: Mike's lack of intelligence often hinders his decision-making abilities, leading him into dangerous or unfavorable situations. His transformation into a werewolf when experiencing strong emotions can also pose challenges, as it may inadvertently put those around him at risk. Furthermore, his reliance on consuming animals and occasionally people to survive presents moral conflicts that weigh heavily on him.

Beliefs and Values: Mike believes strongly in second chances, power, and redemption. He values loyalty and deeply cares about the well-being of others. Despite his violent nature, he despises unnecessary violence and seeks to resolve conflicts with compassion and empathy.

Challenges and Obstacles: Mike's biggest challenge is overcoming the fear and prejudice that surrounds his appearance and past. He must prove to society and his family that he genuinely wants to change and make a positive impact. Additionally, navigating the moral ambiguity of his werewolf transformation and finding a balance between his desires and the well-being of others presents an ongoing struggle.

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