Chapter 1 part 2

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Skylar's P.O.V.

I went down the hall. First door to the left. Right? I opened the door. Aha the bathroom. It's huge. Nice. I wish I had a bathroom like this. I washed my face and my hands. My eye makeup stayed the same. Ha bitchez! My makeup's waterproof. I'm sorry I shouldn't cuss. I'm so sorry.

I dried my gently dried my face. Careful. Don't hit the bruise. You may be wondering why I have a bruise. If your not I don't care I'm still telling you. Ahh. I hit the bruise. Well as I was saying the reason I have a bruise is because of my so called MOM. She slapped me then I went home and my ex boyfriend punched me cause I broke up with him and other reasons.... Anyway it's not that big and almost gone.

I dried my hands and walked back into ze living room. I pulled out my phone and checked my Twitter.

@JenniTheSexyBeast- follow me @LoveOreo's

@LoveOreo's- nah

@JenniTheSexyBeast- why not?

@LoveOreo's- cause I'm listening to Lego House

@JenniTheSexyBeast- what does that have to do with anything?

@LoveOreo's- idk

@JenniTheSexyBeast- well then follow me!

@LoveOreo's- have to go bye love you :)

I walked into the living room and smiled widely at Jenni. I then walked towards the door and went outside. I sat on the steps and looked up. The sky was grey. I loved this kind of weather. At this point everyone decided to go outside too. Yay what a joy. No. Not at all.

"Long live the reckless and the brave!" My phone rang and scared me to death so it went flying. Louis caught it and answered it. "Ello this is Louis. You would like to talk to whom?" He spoke into the phone. "Louis give me my damn phone." I yelled then he slapped my hand over my mouth. "You'd like to talk to Sky? And I would like to ask whom this is." Louis said to the other end. I pinned him down. I took the phone from him. "Hello.... Um... David!" I yelled as I sat on top of Louis. "What just happened?" He asked me. "Oh nothing ya know?" I asked in a angelic voice. 😇Everyone looked at me weirdly I just smiled at them. "Alright?" He asked. "So why'd ya call?" I asked happily. "Just wanted to see how you were," he said unsure," Yeah. So how are you?" "Fine. And you?" I answered. I looked around and Jenni and the blonde boy were in a deep conversation. Vanessa was talking to Lizi about something. Everyone else was just starring at me. "Okay. So you remember how you were looking for your beanie?" He asked. "Yeah. Did you find it?" I asked excited. "Yup. Hey who was that guy Louis?" He asked. "The guy from that band the girls LOVE." I said very loudly. "Oh. Alright." He said. "Why was Davy a wittle jealous?" I asked in a baby voice. "Me.... Pfft.... No." He said. "Hey you copied how Roger talks." I giggled. "Pfft.... No I didn't..." He said. "I'm gonna tell Roger!" I yelled. "No your not." He said. "Alright. Can I go pick up my beanie?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "Alright be there in a few. Bye I love you!" I yelled." Yeah bye love ya too." He said then hung up.

"Vanessa give be the keys." I yelled at her. "No. Where are you going?" She asked. "To David's."I said. "I will let you go if you take someone with you." She said all motherly. "I thought I was the adult supervision."I said. "Yes but I am older. So up must listen to me." She said all motherly. "Fine." I huffed and turned to look at everyone in front of me. Jenni and blonde didn't even look at me so they are out.... Louis was jumping up and down with his hand up in the air. "Can I go. Please. Please. Please."he begged. "Yay! Oh and can they come?" He pointed at every boy besides blondie who I think is Niall. I nodded. "I want to go in the front." All the boys yelled. They looked over to me. I shrugged and put my hands by my head. "I don't know. You decide." I said as Vanessa threw the keys. I caught them and went to unlock the car. Louis, Harry, and Zayn were playing Rock Paper Scissors while Liam casually walked to the car and sat in the car. "Smart aren't you?" I asked. "I try my best to be." He said and I chuckled. They boys realized that Liam was already in the front so they went to sit in the back.

We arrived. I ran up the stairs and stopped I front of David's door. I knocked. Then knocked again. I waited patiently. I heard footsteps and rocked on my heels even though in wasn't wearing heels. I'm confusing my self. A sleepy Roger opened the door. He was also shirtless. The boys were now behind be. "Roger!" I yelled and hugged him. "Sky." He mumbled and hugged me back. "And who is this?" He asked still hugging me. "This is Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry." I smiled pointing at each of them. "Nice to meet ya boys. I'm Roger." He smiled at them. "Come in." He then added. Roger sort of resembled Harry. Well his hair and his dimples and his big hands. Except Roger's hair was orange reddish.

We all went into the large dorm. "David!" I yelled. "Yeah?" He poked his head out if the kitchen. " oh hey Sky." He said happily. He came and gave me a hug. He let go and all the boys introduced themselves while I went to go find Zak and Eddie. I'm A Ninja!


Ello. This goes with the other part. Sorry I didn't just put it together. I'm just a bit lazy. And I've been having issues. Hope you liked sorry if you didn't. It's hard to write this story.

I recommend you Go read something else or something while I work on the third chappie. It might a while... Anyways thanks for reading 😝Thank you. 🙈

"Kidnapping is such a strong word, we perfer SUPRISE ADOPTION!!" Harry and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now