Chappie 2

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Sky's P.O.V.

Im crawling over to Zak's room like a ninja. I could hear snores. Awwww! That wierd boy..... I slowly opened his door. Shhhh! There he was. Sprawled out on the bed. Mouth hung open slightly. Orange-red hair over the pillow and his face. Zoe was cuddled up by his side.

Zoe was the cutest puppy I'd ever seen. She had these big green eyes and the softest brown fur I've ever touched.

I walked over to Zak and pat his head. "Zak-y wake-y wake-y." I poked his cheek. "Five more minutes mom." He mumbled. Why do they do that. I'm not anyone's mom. "It's Sky not your mom." I whispered. He shot up and looked around. He spotted me. I waved. He chuckled. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked me. "The girls woke me up for "Adult Supervision" cause they were going to meet that boy band that they like." I said in a sad tone.

"It's alright. You will sleep all day tomorrow." He said in an awful chirpy tone. "Right. Like the girls will let me." I mumbled. "Why don't you stay here?" He asked. "Well you see you boys are...... Well ...... Like..... Em....... Boys?" I asked. "I get it. You don't love us anymore. It's alright. Just leave." He said dramatically. "No I love you boys to death! It's just you boys have cooties and sleep..... naked." I whispered the last word. "That day will forever haunt me." I added. "Well you should have known better." He mumbled. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Have you seen Eddie?" I asked after staring at him for a few minutes. "In his room?" He asked. "Alrights. Love youuuuuu!" I yelled at him and ran to Eddies room.

"Eddie, dear. Please tell me you're dressed." I said sweetly through the door. "Yep. I'm dressed. Come in. Wait who is it?" He asked. "It's me darling." I said in a posh tone. "Sky?" He asked as he opened his bedroom door. "Yep." I said as I attacked him in a bear hug. "My. My. Skylar. Hey did David tell you he found your beanie?" He asked as he let go of me. "Yes. Oh I need to go get it. Come with me Eddie?" I asked him. He nodded. We walked back to the living area.

------- 5 minutes later

"Daiiiiiiiiivvvvviiiiiiiiiddddddd!" I yelled looking under the couch. The guys probably think I'm high. "Is she alright?" Liam asked. "Yeah. Zak probably gave her chocolate." Eddie said. "Chocolate! Where?" I yelled. David came out from the kitchen and gave me a cup. "What's this?" I asked. "Your favorite tea." David said making me rise the cup to my lips. I sipped it.

"So where is my beanie?" I asked acting as if I wasn't just acting like a lunatic. "Oh right. Here." He said as he gave it to me. "Thank you." I said in a sing-song voice. "You're welcome." He said as he side hugged me. "Hey do you have any chips?" I asked. "You know where they are." He said letting me go. I stood up then stopped dead in my tracks. "Where is Mr. Curly and The Tommo?" I asked Zayn and Liam. Zayn was to busy on his phone to answer. "They went to the bathroom about 5 minutes ago." Liam said. "Together?" I asked lifting one eyebrow. He nodded. "I'll go check on them." Eddie said knowing he was going to have to do it either way. Smart boy. David was shirtless.

"Hey David would you mind putting on a shirt. I mean its not that I don't like looking at your abs cause I do believe me, but I think Zaynie the Cow here got a bit jello and decided to go to his phone for therapy." I said with a sweet smile. Liam burst out laughing and Zaynie Ze Cow looked up from his phone and looked insulted. "I actually have abs to." Zaynie Ze Cow said. "Sure you do Zaynie Ze Cow. Sure you do. If it helps you sleep at night then sure." I said with a sweet smile. He gave me a weird look because of the nickname I gave him.

Eddie walked in shirtless with the boys behind him. "You see even Eddie got abs." I said to Zaynie Ze Cow. "I got abs!" The Tommo yelled. "Me too!" Mr. Curly yelled. Zak and Roger came out. "Zoe!" I yelled for the doggie to come out. She came running in and jumped up and down in front of me. I bent down and got her. "Alright so I believe everyone in this room besides Zaynie Ze Cow got abs." I said. "I have abs!" He yelled. "Liam do you have abs?" I questions. "I believe I do." He said lifting up his shirt and poking his stomach. "Yes. I have abs." He confirmed. "Zo Zaynie Ze Cow is the only one with no abs." I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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