Only the beginning

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It was insistent. You sat frustrated in your office chair. All you wanted to do was play Pacman. Pop up after pop up, DOWNLOAD KINITO PET NOW! VIRTUAL ASSISTANT FREE DOWNLOAD! DOWNLOAD TODAY! No matter how you tried to avoid them they were overwhelming your system til it slowed to a crawl. Every time you tried to close a tab another pop-up would appear on top, you were about to click the small red x when the tab jutted up so you clicked the bright green download button. Instantly all of the ad tabs closed at once, revealing the KinitoPet official website on your browser. You couldn't close or minimize it, hell you couldn't even open any more tabs. Hoping for the best, you begin the downloading process. The terms of services appeared sloppily written with an array of typos and grammar mistakes, but that's nothing you didn't expect from such a mediocre software. All that's left to do is to open it.

When Kinito first introduced himself you thought you could lower your guard, he gave a nice friendly introduction, asked you some basic questions, and even told you a story he 'wrote' just for you. Everything seemed normal, you were even starting to enjoy his company. But things took a different turn when he pulled the web browser and opened up the Kinito Crews Web World. It was an average point-and-click game with flat graphics, but it had a child-like charm to it. The art style was round and welcoming, and even the character that was used to navigate the small terrain was your favorite color! You started at Sam's run-down house, having to clean the place up and make it look pretty. It wasn't the most exciting thing you've ever played, but there's no hurt in trying. After finishing up his walls, you moved on the the final part that you most looked forward to, decorating! You rearranged the items to your liking, silly little posters and windows were dragged onto the wall after you furnished the room with sofas and plants. You admired your work when you noticed the music started to slow. You scrolled up on the selection of items to find a new object. You couldn't see clearly what it was due to a big black square censoring it. With your curiosity getting the better of you, you selected it. All your furniture vanished, and a bag wrapped loosely in grey duct tape was painfully dragged into the room. It left a trail of blood that stained the freshly cleaned floors. Before you could process what you had seen, the mini game ended, and a tan screen with the phrase 'good job' greeted you. Kinito praised you for your work.

"Thank you for helping out Sam!" He managed to be quite expressive, despite his monotone voice. Without addressing what just happened, he encouraged you to move on to helping Jade out by fixing her toys. This game was simple like Sam's, maybe even simpler. The simplicity didn't help you be any more prepared for the realistic throbbing lung that appeared on the conveyor belt. Remembering what happened with the other game, you ignore it until it disappears. Quickly finishing off this game, you continue onto the final minigame, hide and seek at Kinito's treehouse.

"Kinito wants to play a fun game with you..." The music started to slow down and fade out. "YOU... MUST... HIDE..." This wasn't fun anymore. "dont. get. caugh-"

The screen froze and went black. An alarm clock appeared from the darkness, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, it clicked until the alarm made a loud BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING.

something is seeking you

For a moment you almost thought a video started playing by how realistic the quality of the game was. Your player character was in a brick building with lots of halls and small shallow corners. The only thing illuminating the room was a dim flashlight that barely lit up a small area. From the corner of your eye, you could've sworn you saw something watching you. When you try to investigate the area there's nothing to be found, just bricks and pipes. You started fearing every turn thinking something was going to appear, as if you were being watched from afar as you were forced to wander around this decrepit concrete dungeon. The screen kept getting redder and fuzzier, it strained your eyes to look, but you couldn't look away. The screen began to spasm and shake violently. Suddenly Kinito's face appeared, his eyes rolling to the back of his skull.

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