Day 1

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You sprinted down the infinite corridors, with no sign of an exit, no sign of any people, just empty damp rooms. It overloaded all your senses at once, which pushed you to your limits until your legs gave in. You fell to the ground and scuffed up your knees. It felt like there was no way out of here. Your lungs struggled to draw any air causing you to choke. You could hear your heart as it throbbed in your ears. You curled into a ball, covered your ears, and let out frustrated wails. 

"Help! Help me please!" You bellowed down the empty uncaring chamber of rooms and heard your voice echo quietly. Your vocal cords were torn from the screaming until all you could make was a raspy wheeze. You felt hot wet tears escape your eyes. Despite this place being so large it felt uncomfortably confined, you couldn't even recall which way you came from. You caught the subtle sounds of frantic footsteps from the distance giving you a simultaneous sense of relief and fear. When the origin of the sound came close enough to see, you almost fainted. It was Kinito! His horrified eyes darted around the room until he spotted you, his height alarmed you as he was just as tall as he was in your dreams.

"Oh thank goodness! I'm not alone here-" Once he was able to get a good look at you he stopped and took you in.

"Y/N?" For the first time, you saw him start to tear up. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you... I don't know how I got here but I got really tired and fell asleep and woke up here!"

He went in to hug you but you pushed him away, slightly suspicious. 

"Kinito... be honest," You looked at him seriously "You're not behind this are you?" He gave you a look of confusion.

"What? I don't even know how I got here, I've never even seen a place like this! I'm just as lost as you are." He was freaking out, his loud breathing suggesting that he had been running for a long time. You sighed in relief, finally accepting his offer to embrace when you almost immediately started blubbering. He immediately went to comfort you, he rubbed your back to soothe you.

"It's ok, you can let it out. I know things are scary right now but we will find a way! If there's a way we got here then there's a way to leave!" He grabbed your hand and brought you to your feet. 

"Maybe if we keep going we can find the exit!" He said assuringly, walking beside you. It was a little less scary knowing that you weren't alone. You had so many questions for him.

"I can't believe you're real with me now... am I in a coma or something?" 

"I reassure you that you are not dreaming, this is really happening," he responded in an attempt to keep you from derealizing.

"Well, how do you know? Do you even know what it's like in the real world?"

"I am feeling things I don't think I was programmed to feel. Not to mention how... complicated everything looks." He was right about that, it was too realistic to be a simulation or a hallucination. Too consistent, too perfect.

"I guess you're right about that. If you don't mind me asking, what was it like living inside a computer?" your question made Kinito giggle.

"Don't worry it's not bad at all, however, it did get quite lonely sometimes when you were away... but it's different now that the two of us are together! I'll never feel lonely again," His eyes gazed at you lovingly "Actually, there's something I want to ask you."

"What's up?" You reply.

"This could help us out a lot, but is there anyone who would look for you?" He queried.

"Oh my god, my parents!" You realized, "I can call my parents and tell them where I think I am and they'll get the police to track us down, piece of cake. Kinito, you genius!"

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