Chapter 3

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Maddie POV
Today is mine and Amberliz last day in Orlando. I have become really close with Matt. Amberliz has become close to Cameron too. Its kinda cool to think about how i went from being a huge fan of Matt to him being my best friend. "Hey weirdo." Matt said messing up my hair. "Hey loser." I said jumping on his back. "Im going to miss you." Matt said. "Im going to miss you too. I dont wanna go back to California yet." I said putting my chin on his shoulder. "Wait. You live in California?" He asked putting me down. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "Because i live in California. What part do you live in?" He asked. "L.A." I said. "Were basically going home together. We are going to have to hang out." He said grabbing my hand. "Yes we will."
I sat by Matt on the plane and Amberliz sat by Cameron. When we got to L.A., Camerom went home to see Nash,but I invited Matt to come over for a little while. My mom picked us up. "Whos this handsome boy?" My mom asked. "This is Matthew Espinosa." I said smiling at her. "Wait. The Matthew Espinosa. Like the one that you use to freak out over?" My mom said smiling. "Yes mom." I said groaning. Matt started laughing. "And whats so funny?" I asked Matt. "Nothing nothing." He said putting his hamds up. When we got to my house me and Matt went up to my room. "I wanna watch netflix." I said jumping onto my bed. "Yeesss. Your my kinda girl." We watched Pretty Little Liars.
Matt POV
Im going to be honest. I like Maddie. Shes really cool, funny, and beautiful. Shes easy to talk to when I need to talk. How can i make this girl mine?
Maddie POV
"I just texted Cameron so that he can come pick me up." Matt said. "Okay. Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" I asked walking to the door. When Cam got here, we went outside. "Yeah. That sounds great." He said. "Can I kiss you?" Matt asked. I was starting to freak out inside. I like Matt a lot, but why would Matthew Espinosa like me? "Mmhmm." I said nodding my head. He leaned down and kiss me.
Matt POV
"Ooooo i ship it." Cam said when I got into the car. "She wouldnt ever like me."
Madthew action!!!!

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