Chapter 13

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I wanna say Happy Birthday to my best friend lizzloveeI love you!

Maddie POV

Matts been staying with me for the past week. I dont like being alone. What if my dad gets out of jail and comes back for me. Even though I know that its probably not gonna happen, im still scared.

My moms never really home. Shes at the hospital with my grandma a lot and she works non stop.

Tonight were going over to Matts house because he hasn't been home in a while. I put some clothes in my over night bag and we got into the car.

When we got there, we got out and went inside. "Hi Maddie. I've missed you." Matts mom said, hugging me. "I've missed you too. Lots." I said, pulling away.

We walked up to Matts room and I plopped down on the bed. I took my phone out of my back pocket and texted Matt.

Me- Come here.

Baby♡- I'm in the same room as you why could you just talk?

Me- Because maybe I didn't feel like it, not come here.

Matt crawled on top of me and layer down. "I just want to cuddle. I didn't want your fat self on me." I said, trying to push him off.

""That's it." He said and started tickling me. "Matt stop!" I screamed, laughing and wiggling around on the bed. He kept tickling me.

"Matthew Lee Espinosa! Stop!" I screamed. "Okay. Okay." He said, laying down next to me. I laughed and layed on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around me and I slowly fell asleep.

My dream

I was in my kitchen making me and Matt dinner when someone grabbed me by the arm and turned me around. "Get away from me!" I yelled. It was Nick

"Your coming with me!" He yelled and slung me over his shoulder. "Matthew!" I yelled. Matt came running into the kitchen. "Put her down!" He yelled at Nick. "Who's gonna make me?" Nick asked.

Matt grabbed a knife from out of the drawer. He started coming closer to my Nick, but then he pulled out a gun and shot Matt.

"Matt!" I yelled, trying to wiggle my way out of Nicks arms. I finally did and ended up on the ground. I crawled over to Matt.

"Matt. Please don't die. Please stay with me. I need you." I said crying. I tried reaching for the phone, but Nick picked me up again.

"Let me go!" I screamed. "Don't yell at your father!" He yelled. "Your not my dad Nick! Never have been and never will be!" I yelled.

Nick ran out of my house and while he was running I was looking at my laying in a puddle of his own blood. "Maattt!" I yelled. I felt li-

I was woken up by Matt shaking me. "Maddie! Maddie! Wake up!" He yelled. I jumped up. I realized that it was all just a dream.

I looked over at Matt. I jumped onto him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your alive." I said, crying into his shoulder. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

"I had a dream that Nick came back for me and he shot you and I tried to help you, but he took me away." I said.

"Is that why you were yelling my name in your sleep?" He asked. I nodded. He set me back down on the bed and hugged me.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." He said. "I love you Matt." I said. "I love you too." He said, pulling away.

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