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Fantasia POV

In the car we pass the village going around the outside. Watching as the buildings whip by in a blur of colors and light. As the buildings break up, the castle comes into view. It is an explosion of color. The castle was nothing like the videos and pictures. Different from the rest of the town, the base color of the castle was a soft yellow color, almost white. The tops of the towers were baby blue, with accents of dark blue as the shutters of the windows.

The rest of the colors were hidden is small details on window shutters, doors, and flags. Every time you look at a part of the castle you notice something that wasn't there before. Almost like they were moving. The trees lining the driveway up the front had apple trees, orange trees, and trees with different colored flowers.

As I am admiring the beauty, we reach the stairs of the palace and standing there is the royal family. They look so regal and proper. Once we come to a stop, I open the door and wait for Kendall to come to my side before walking up the stairs.

"Welcome to Vividale, Fantasia."

"Thank you, your kingdom is so beautiful. These are the prettiest sights I have ever seen. The rest of the world is so dull compared to here."

"I'm glad you're enjoying the sights. I am Lynn, this is my husband Samuel, and our daughter Taraji." She said pointing out who was who. As she mentioned Taraji's name, I finally looked at her for the first time. She was absolutely beautiful. We made eye contact and it felt like the first time I've seen the color brown.

"Hello, Miss Fantasia." Taraji said with a big smile on her face, like she had waited forever for this moment.

"Hello ma'am." We held our contact for what felt like years before Lynn broke us out of our trance.

"Let's make our way to the garden for lunch shall we." She says leading us through the doors and into the halls of the castle. It was just as extravagant as the outside and just as colorful. The ceilings were painted with murals of the town at different points of the day. First sunrise, mid-day, sunset, and night fall. All beautiful in its own way.

After passing doors and different hallways, we finally make it to the garden. A table in the middle of the flower garden to the left as a tree path and a hedge maze to the middle and to the right. As we are walking to the table, me and Taraji accidently brush hands, making her speed up to catch up with her mother out of embarrassment.

Sitting around the table with Samuel at the head of the table and Lynn and Taraji next to him and Kendall and I on the other side of the table. As we sit down the servers fill our glasses with wine while we wait on lunch to come out.

"So, Fantasia, is this your husband?"

I almost spit out my drink, "No, this is my boyfriend and manager. But an engagement has been in talks for a few years. So, it shouldn't be much longer, hopefully." I say looking to him and smiling.

"Excuse my question, but isn't that dangerous to date your manager?"

"We have lasted for a few years now and I can see more in our future. Me being her manager has nothing to do with our relationship. We keep them separate." Kendall chimes into the conversation.

"Well good for you all. I hope that works out for you both. My daughter doesn't have to worry about boyfriends. She will soon go straight to having a fiancé after this weekend when she turns 20. She's going to choose one of the 'princes' that come to the party," she says, looking at her daughter with a stern look, "isn't that right darling?"

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