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Taraji POV

Marissa and I are standing in front if the venue for the concert. Marissa is wearing a black corset top with grey flames printed on it, with black jeans and a leather jacket. It is something I have never seen from her before. She was always in dresses or skirts. It looked good on her. She looked hot.

I was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt with an emblem of a band I have never heard of before. These clothes were picked out by Kendall and his team. They also did my makeup and hair. I barely noticed myself looking in the mirror before we left to go to the concert. I mean I guess that was the point.

Getting through the line we finally make it inside. The crowd of people all talking to each other, making friends, and filled with so excitement. This is something the entire kingdom has been looking forward to for so long.

"Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening." Marissa says as she is soaking up every little detail like it's the last time, she would see this. "And we get to be in the front. Taraji, do you know what happens to people in the front row?"

"I do not. I have seen videos of the concert, but it was passed tours. I know nothing about this tour."

"Oh baby. you are about to have the best night of your life." Marissa says, with a chuckle and a smile on her face, as she interlocks her arms with mine as we start making our way to our seats.

We get to our seats and realize that not only are we in the front row, but also perfectly in the middle. "This is a perfect view!" Marissa says while admiring the view from the stage, with the band instruments lining the back. "We are going to see everything so clearly and we get to see her in action up close. Oh, my goodness. this is the best night ever!"

All of a sudden, the lights start to dim, and the band enters the stage. Settling into their instruments as the stage lights turn on and light up the band as a whole. The rest of the stage is all black. They all look at each other before they start playing.

*Intro to Hood Boy*

As they start playing the lights come up and fantasia comes out of nowhere. She is wearing burgundy leather pants and a black mesh body suit with diamond and pearl details. As she moves around the stage to interact with the crowd, I watch as she expertly dances and moves around the space like it is second nature to her. Marissa next to me letting out a scream of excitement before going back to saying every word like a memorized script. I smile seeing her be so free and relaxed. A different version of what I see every day at the castle. It was a good change. The concert goes on, and me and Marissa dance and sing to the entire set list, both of us knowing every word.

We it gets to 'Sleeping with the One I love', Fantasia can't stop sneaking glances at me. Every time she looks at me, I look away quickly, pretending to look at Marissa, or the lights, or the band. Enough to avoid eye contact for a long time. Once the song is over the staring contest stops, and I am able to watch her without her looking my way at all.

*Intro to Proud Mary*

"Ya'll know this one now. We gonna start slow, then when we get there, I need everyone to get big weather you know it or not." She said over the slow strumming of the music. "Sing it with me." The entire crowd starts singing with her, enjoying the way the song swayed us. Once we finish the second verse, the music stops, and we all stop with her. Anticipating what we all know is coming. Once the music picks up, everybody just lets loose. Dancing starts breaking out everywhere. Me and Marissa are singing and laughing and dancing together while also keeping an eye on Fantasia on stage. We make eye contact and at that moment she gives the que to the band to vamp for a second.

"Now, I need some ladies, who's not afraid, to move your hips." She says to the whole front row. "Y'all, step forward." She says while motioning for us to come closer. We all move in sync, closer to the stage, and moving into a group. "Now, what we gonna do, is roll all the way down."

I slowly start to back away, not knowing what to do. "Don't back up love." She says straight to me, motioning for me to walk back up to the stage. I make my way back, enticed by the look on her face she is giving me. "All right, here we go." She says letting them know, she is starting, "rolling" she sings, looking me straight in my eyes, as she bites her lip and rolls her hips all the way down. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers. She was encapsulating. I am left the only one standing as everyone around me is in the ground, including Marissa. Her eyes never left mine as she approaches me, still close to the ground. I start to feel a blush arise in my cheeks.

"Why didn't you go down?" She asks me to my face, as Marissa, and the rest of the group rise.

"I- I-" I stutter on my words not knowing what to say, or how to say it. Getting flustered just by the way she is speaking to me.

"Do you not know how?"

Sheepishly I give a slight smile and a nod. She then hops down off the stage, and gets behind me putting her hands on my hips. "I'll teach you. All I need you to do is relax." She says, as she directs the band to continue playing. "All right. Y'all do it with us now, one more time." Once she gives the signal, we all start rolling our hips down. Her hands guiding my hips all the way down, her own hips rolling down, against mine, and rolls all the way back up. She turns me around, and looks me in the eyes, getting me to take a breathe and relax. Once she knows I'm relaxed, she gets back on the stage and continues to the next song. I look at Marissa and she can see the blush in my cheeks and the shake in my hands.

She grabs me with the biggest smile on her face and puts me back in my seat. For the rest of the concert, I sat in my seat, just watching her and enjoying the site of her enjoying her craft and just enjoying herself on stage. I don't even realize, when the lights come up, that the concert is over, or that she even left the stage.

My body could barely move from what I had seen unfold from the stage. Marissa started to wave her hand in front of my face, to break me out of my trance. "Earth to my girl!"

"Huh, sorry, I was-"

"In a trance, capsulated, horny."

In awe from what she said, I lightly hit her shoulder, while having the biggest blush on my face. Marissa can read me like a book. She knew what was going on in my head and knew how I felt about it.

Laughing, "Let's get you home." She says grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd and back to her car.

Fantasia POV

I can't believe I did that. I couldn't stop looking at Taraji all night. She looked so pretty. Her eyes on me all night, unless I looked at her, and she would pretend to not be looking at me. I need to see her at least one more time before I leave this place. I don't know why, but I am drawn to her. Like a bug to the light. She is like nothing I have seen before, and just thinking about her makes me think her eyes again. They are the prettiest shade of brown. And I can't stop looking into them.

Walking back to the green room, I pass my band mates, crew team and my backup singers. They all give me a weird look before giving me a smile and walking away fast. Not understanding why they are being weird, I continue walking to my green room. From down the hallway I hear moaning coming from the room and hear a voice.

"Yes Kendall!!!"

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