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Colby POV

The drive to the hotel is a little over 2 hours and Jess sleeps the whole way.

She moves every once in a while and eventually ends up with her head on the center console and her legs tucked up into the seat.

The second that I saw the destruction of her home, my heart broke for this girl and I knew that she was a lot more than just a girl I met in a random café in Ohio.

She is my friend. 

And she needs a friend right now. Or multiple. 

I pull into the hotel parking lot and park, turning to wake her up.


Her eyes open slowly and she blinks a few  times before sitting up.

"We are here."

She unbuckles and gets out, my hoodie falling down to her thighs.

She follows me in and to the elevators, silently.

I have the urge to hold her hand or put my arm around her because I feel like she needs the comfort but I don't.

When she was holding onto me for an hour earlier, it was different. She needed someone and I don't think she cared who but I'm not sure how she would feel if I touched her now.

The elevator opens. 

"Do you want to see Sam or anyone else? Sam and Kat have their own room and so does Jake and Tara."

"I would rather just take a shower and sleep." She says softly.

I lead her to my room which is next door to Sam and Katrina's. 

She steps in and looks around. "This is fancy."

I laugh. "I guess. Well I'll go tell the others what's going on and get some clothes from the girls for you to sleep in."

"I only really need like a pair of shorts. If its okay to wear this hoodie..?"

"Yeah of course. The bathroom is through there."

She disappears into the bathroom and I leave.

"Sam." I say as I knock. Its getting a little late but I know they're up.

He opens the door and I step in.

"Can we get Jake and Tara in here?" I ask. Sam nods and turns, their room is connected to Jake and Tara's room, and knocks.

"Sup?" Jake says through the door and then opens it. 

Sam tells him to get Tara and soon we are all gathered in Sam and Katrina's room.

I explain everything to them quickly.

"So, Tara can I get a pair of shorts for her to sleep in?" 

"Of course," She nods. "Me and Kat can take her shopping tomorrow!"

Kat agrees and the girls chat to the side as I turn to Jake and Sam.

"I called around and the places we are planning on touring are fine, they didn't get hit but they will be closed for a bit so I was gonna cancel but I guess we can stay longer if we need to, yeah?" Sam suggests.

Jake agrees. "Yeah for sure."

"Are you two okay with Jess staying?"

"Yeah of course," Sam and Jake say at the same time.

"She seems cool and I think she will get along with the girls. Hopefully at least, since she's kind of stuck with us for a bit," Sam says. 

"Maybe we can have a little party somewhere, rent out a bar or something, so we can all get to know her and hang out." Jake suggests.

Whirlwind (Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now