Twenty One

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I had just sat and explained everything that happened to me to everyone.

I thought it wouldn't be fun, that I wouldn't be able to do it. But it actually made me feel better, like the burden wasn't fully on my shoulders anymore. And now I know I have help.

As I swim with Tara and Kat, I feel my muscles relaxing, like my body can finally take a break after being on edge for over a week.

I'm definitely not completely okay but I can move on with my life.

I wont let that man dictate the rest of my life by letting him flood my thoughts.

After talking and telling my story, I did notice how quiet Colby got so after talking with Tara for a bit and swimming around, I push myself to the edge of the pool, where Colby is sitting, his feet in the water.

"Hey," I say as I fold my arms on the edge and hold myself up.

"Hey," He smiles down at me.

Before I start a serious conversation, I decide to lighten the mood. "Do you know how to braid?"

He scrunches his eyebrows at me. "Yes,"

"Braid mine?" I had it in a bun to keep it from getting wet.

He laughs. "Yeah, swim over between my legs,"

I do as he says and at that spot, I can stand with my shoulders and chest above the water. Tugging out the hair tie, I shake my long hair out and feel Colby's hands immediately running through it.

I smile to myself.

His fingers are gentle as he braids my hair down my shoulders and we stay quiet. It doesn't take him long before he's asking for the hair tie.

"All done," He says, hands resting on my shoulders for a second before I step away.

Before I can say anything else, Kat yells out. "We are playing volleyball! Colby will you help them put up the net?"

Colby stands and the three boys set up a net across the middle of the pool.

They decide to do Sam, Kat and Tara on one team leaving me, Colby, and Jake on the other.

We play for a while, losing twice and then winning before Colby says he's tired and gets out.

I'm also exhausted so I follow him to his room.

He lets me shower and change first while he set up Netflix on the TV and got us snacks for a quick movie or something.

After my shower, I sit on the bed and blow dry my hair while he takes his turn in the shower, searching for a movie.

He had brought 2 bags of chips and a bag of cheese cubes which is arguably not the best snack variety so I run out to the kitchen for some other options.

We end up not really watching the movie, both of us working on our laptops until we got tired.

Colby doesn't say anything when I ask to lay on his chest again, just opens his arms and lets me lay.

I fall asleep almost instantly.


2 days of being holed up in Colby's room later, the landscapers had been there and mostly everything had died down. I had gotten a call from our manager that I was invited to do a TV interview which I declined for now.

Today, Colby and Sam are taking me to get curtains and then lunch.

I said I could go by myself but neither of them budged on the matter.

Whirlwind (Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now