chapter - 3

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That voice came again from behind......


She got really scared thinking that who is call her.....

When she turned around she found the same girl who was sitting alone in the empty field...

Then lara asked her...

Lara - did u called me ?

The girl - yes...

Lara - but I didn't told you my name then how did you know my name....

The girl - I know everything think about you...(with the same smirk on her face)

Lara was having a very strange feeling but then that girl smiled at lara and introduced herself.....

That girl- hello lara I'm Anna and i live in this village...
( the village where that fair was held)

Lara - hey, I'm-

Anna - I already know everything about you no need to introduce...
(Then she again smile)

Lara was scared thinking how she know everything about me I have never seen her before....

But Anna speak making her coming out from her thoughts...

Anna- let's go inside...

Now lara don't want to go in the fair but Deep down she wanna go...

Lara - No I don't wanna go i wanna go home now..

Anna - why? You came all this way just for fair and now you are talking about going back without going inside.. let's go plzz...

(Lara thought for few minutes and agreed to go think she is right i came all this way just for fair I will return quickly.. yes let's go lara... )

Lara - ok let's go.....

Anna - yh that Like my girl... let's go...

(They both went inside the fair Anna told lara that you go inside and I'm coming my parents are waiting i will come with them just give me a minute ok )

Lara. - okey...

(Lara went inside she went to a shop but the material and the stuff are soo old and so dirty then she noticed that everyone was looking at her continuously more like staring at her she felt awkward their and moved to the other shop)

The products of this shop is also same dirty and so old then she asked the Shop kepper uncle....

Lara - uncle why these products and stuff are soo old.. ( she found that shop keeper is also starting at her)...

Shop keeper - ....................

( The shop keeper didn't replied to her and was continuously Starting at her then she looked around and found that everyone present in that fair was looking at her)

She is feeling uncomfortable she went to another shop she saw that there were many men are sitting on chair looking at her and smiling at her but their smile was so weird she thought......

Lara - " not everyone have a good smile some of them have weird smile... They are looking good people so i went to ask them if there is something new in their shop.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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