Chapter 2: The Logical Scientist

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One Week Later

The Deceptions destroyed the Autobot base in Jasper, Nevada. The Earth lost their swole protectors as many Autobot are scattered and hiding from what can be their end. Moonshine hated how she helped and aided her sire, for she became fond of Earth and their customs. For she stopped calling Megatron sire and started calling him what many 'humans' called their 'parent,' dad or father . She stood next to her father on what the Deceptions created for themselves, Dark Mount. A long tower, with luckily an elevator to go up and down from. Megatron had his own throne, and Moonshine stood by his side as he summoned Knockout to do a task.

"How can I serve you, Lord Megatron." He said as he bowed down.

"Assemble a team of squandereds and disonbage to Cybertron immediately, while hunting autobots remains paramount, we must not squander the opportunity to recover any icon relics left in chaos, for all we know Optimus is out there somewhere, planning the same thing." Megatron said, as he looked towards the sky as a space bridge appeared behind Knockout. Moonshine ordered some vehicons to aid in Knockout's task and search. She saw all of them walk through before the space bridge closed and reappeared for her father to stand up from his throne and started to walk towards it. He turned to face Moonshine and extended a servo out, She gave a single nod and followed her father through the space bridge. When they walk out on the other end, they were in one of the many monitors rooms the Nemesis.

"What are your findings Soundwave?" Megatron said, as we walking up from behind him and Starscream. He turned around and huffed in annoyance.

"Why is she here?" Starscream said, in an annoyed and rude tone. Megatron glared, as Moonshine raised a servo.

"Because I have every right to be here Heely, and besides I need to be knowledge in all things if I plan on taking your rank. Lets face it, I'm a better fighter than you and carry out the task. What about you, huh?" Moonshine said, in a snarky way as Starscream rolled his optics.

"After all she is my daughter, and very well much be the next warlord. So show some respect before I demote you." Megatron said, sounding annoyed of Starscream's comment. As they all directed their focus back to the monitors to see if any Autobot single had appeared. But Soundwave was looking into some of the Autobots computers and monitors to see if any valuable information was still encrypted. At the same time repairing Lazarbeak from a almost fatal collision it had not to long ago.

"Well did any of the surveillance data survive?" Soundwave said nothing, he never did if Starscream was in the room. He only spoke in his true voice only around Moonshine, Megatron, and Knockout.

"Ashamed, we might at least learn the direction Arcee and the human fled." Said Starscream, Moonshine remembered a memory she had with Arcee. She was in the same fighting class as her back in the glory days of Cybertron, before her father ruined it just because he believed he was entitled for the Matrix of Leadership.

"Clearly we need to improve our methods of hunting autobots, and build upon the tactical advantage that we manage to secure..." Megatron said, but he was cut off when Knockout comm linked in.

"Lord Megatron, I'm ready to return, and you will be pleased to see what i've uncovered." Just hearing the news Knockout might bring, brought a smiled to warlord's face.

"Soundwave, open the space bridge portal." Megatron said Soundwave stopped working on Lazerbeak and opened the portal.

"I find myself eager for good news, so please Knockout tell me that you found something useful." Megatron said, waiting for a response with some hesitation.

"Some things my liege and someone." Knockout said, as he bowed down and turned around to give room to that someone. Just then a tall, purple, large cannon for his left arm, and one optic came through the space bridge. Moonshine heard much and little of him, she looked over at her father to see he had a smug grin on his face.

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