Chapter 3

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3rd POV
12:05pm Saturday, March 13th

Today was a big day for the Bakugo family. The adoption party was going to be in full swing in eight hours. Each child was running from Katsuki as they played tag. The maids and butlers smiled at their actions as they've never seen their boss so happy before. The blonde male finally captured the little white-haired girl who squealed in excitement and surprise. "I caught you," he laughed as he threw her in the air. "I want a turn, I want a turn!" A little ash blonde boy asked excitedly, running over to the two. "What do you say, Sweets'? Can Suma have a turn?" She pouted a bit but nodded her head. "C'mere Suma, you're next!" He said, scooping the little boy up and throwing him as he did the girl before him. "Again! Again! Do it again, Daddy!" The ash blonde male complied and threw Suma up again as an ash blonde girl ran over beside the white-haired girl and raised her arms expectantly at the older ash blonde male "you want a turn Ro?" The little girl nodded her head excitedly "Yes Dad, I want a turn." The father picked her up and threw her high in the air as she squealed. After each child had their fill of being thrown in the air, the ash blonde father brought all three of them in for a hug.

Bakugo's POV
6:13 pm Saturday, March 13th

After playing with the children and tiring them out, I made them take a nap before driving to the adoption party in two hours.

Katsuki: Can you be here within the hour or not, Mina? I need to know now!

Pinky: I'm in a lot of traffic right now, I'll call if I'm not able to make it within the hour- Oh, since I have a plus one, can I bring Ejiro? He's been missing you

Katsuki: No! Absolutly not! This party is hush-hush, and you're barely on the list. That oaf will tell everyone and their mom about the children, that reminded me that I'll have to do a press conference tomorrow introducing them as my heirs

Mina: You're getting off subject! Yuuga will be there in an hour to get the hair and makeup done for ALL of you, no exceptions Mr boss man

Katsuki: Fine, fine, I'll let the French Twinkie do my hair, NOTHING else, okay? Now I have to call Tsu about the conference. Bye

Mina: By-

I figured that the eccentric pink-haired woman would be late, so I had the children's clothing delivered by Tsu in exactly an hour.

Tsu: Yes, boss?

Katsuki: Tsu, I need you to schedule a press conference for tomorrow to introduce the children as my heirs to the public since there's already speculation about them

Tsu: I was already setting one up in case someone decided to blab to a reporter. Just need a time when you'll all be ready

Katsuki: A morning time, maybe the nine o'clock news

Tsu: Okay, boss, I'll get right on it and then head that way

Katsuki: Thank you Tsu, the children are excited to meet you, so hurry over here to meet them

Tsu: Okay, boss, I'll get these things done and head over right away

We hung up, and I heard the kids running down the stairs. I felt three bodies tackle me to the floor "woah you guys! Didja miss me that much?" They all grinned. I made lunch, and an hour later, we were sitting in the family room watching Angelina Ballerina. I almost fell asleep when a voice startled me. "Master Katsuki, you have guests in the living room." we all looked at the long-haired ravenette standing in the doorway of the room "thank you Aizawa, children it's time to meet Tsu and see Yuuga again" they all cheered and ran ahead of me. Aizawa looked at me. "You're doing a good job, Katsuki. It reminds me of three of you running around." he patted my shoulder and walked away. I felt a warmth in my chest hearing those words spoken to me from the man I respected most.

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