Chapter 4½

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Izuku's POV
Sunday March 14th 9:05 am

Kiri and Kami roped me into watching the nine o'clock news. "Why am I watching the news at nine am? And why are you both holding me down?" Neither of them answered my questions. Then it happened, and they grinned.

"Good morning, Mr. Bakugo, I heard that you requested an interview and have exciting news for us today," the interviewer said excitedly. "Good morning, Ms. Takayama, I have very exciting news to share, but before that, I heard you had some questions for me" Bakugo reaponded. She practically bounced out of her seat. "Yes, yes, yes I do, and so does the audience if that's all right with you." He smiled at the audience, and they began the q&a.

I zoned out only hearing Kiri and Kami's commentary until I saw them. "THERE THEY ARE!" I tried to stand up, but they had a firm grip. "There who is?" I was growing frustrated "Eri, Katsuma, Mahoro, and Shoto! Why are they on tv!" Kami pinched my side. "If you'd shut up, maybe they'll tell us," I huffed but sat back and actually listened in this time.

"I would love for some special guests to come out here and sit with me on this couch." I saw Shoto guiding the children to him. "Daddy!" "Dad!"Papa!" I heard before three sets of tiny arms wrapped around the imposter, and I watched Sho kiss his hand. "This is my exciting news, I adopted three children who I will raise as my own, and hopefully, they will follow in my footsteps and become my successors." I heard aww's and praises from the audience as MY children situated themselves on HIS lap. I must've looked deranged "woah Izubro, calm down. What's your problem?" Kiri asked. "Those are MY children! He took what was supposed to be MY happiness away!" Kami groaned "Izu how were you going to adopt three children when you still live with your mom?" I looked back at what was supposed to be my family. "You don't get it, I-" "Now, who are these cuties?" I looked at Sho. "This is Eri, Maharo, and Katsuma Bakugo. Say hi to everyone." they waved and smiled at the cameras, "so the secrecy and dodging the spotlight was to spend time with family? That's so sweet," I groaned. "I wanted to spend as much alone time as I could before presenting them to the world as celebrity children." I didn't want to watch anymore, "so the pictures and rumors going around were correct?" She questioned. "I suppose they were. The blurry video was of me and the children, and the picrures were from Katsuma's birthday." I leaned back into my couch and watched Kiri and Kami get invested again. I was about to get up until I heard her talking about a letter

"We got an anonymous letter the other day stating that you stole the children from them. Do you have any idea of what they could mean?" Mr. Bakugo looked visibly confused. "I don't. Nobody has contacted me, and neither has the orphanage. If someone wanted to adopt these children, they should've done it a long time ago. Sometimes people will say things like this because they'll get a story even if it isn't true." she nodded along with his words.

"Izuku, that sounds so scary. Who would do such a thing?" Kami asked. "I don't know,  it's scary how people can be like that." I patted his arm as we kept watching

"Papa, someone asked about us?" Eri finally spoke but sounded scared. "I suppose they didn't state their name in this letter?" Takayama shook her head. "It was sent to us through the mail without a return address."

"Man, it sounds just like those Kdramas you watch, Kiri," I said, looking at him. "Are you ever gonna let that go? They're good when it comes to drama."

"If that is all, we have some important matters to attend to." Everyone awed in protest. "Are you sure you have to go? We still have a few minutes before the segment is over-" "If dad says no then he means no" Ro glared "Well that's not nice to interrupt someone who-" "it's not nice to keep someone here when they don't want to be" Eri interjected gracefully. They got a few chuckles from Kami "well that settles that. For the one who sent that anonymous letter, I'll find out who you are and get a restraining order on you from my family." They left after that.

I was speechless. 'I wrote a letter, but I never sent it...unless' I stood up quickly running to my room. I pulled out every drawer, ruined my closet, sheets, pillows, and blankets were on the floor, but no letter "Yo Izu- holy shit what happened to your room?" I was standing in the middle of my room and there was no letter to be found "Mother, I have to call my mother" I ran back to the living room and basically did over the couch to grab my phone. I ran back to my room and slammed my door shut. I locked it and dialed her number, and she picked up on the second ring


I: Hello? Izuku?

D: Mother did you send the letter I wrote to the news station?

I: Oh yes I did. I meant to tell you

D: Do you know what was written in that letter? Did you open it before you sent it?

I: I did, it was very colorful. I was very impressed with the way you wrote it, especially with the Todoroki part.

D: Mom I wasn't going to send the letter anywhere! I was going to burn it and see if it made me feel better about all of this! Now I'm going to look like a psycho of they figure out it's me!

I: Oh Izu you'll be fine, I forgot to put a return address. They won't find you and you're not a psycho for letting out your emotions. Maybe if you talk to him, Todoroki will come around. Now I have to go, Mitsuki wanted me to come have tea. We haven't been able to keep in touch since she moved back when you were just a baby.

D: I hope you're right Mother, I'll see if Kiri or Kami have Todoroki's number- wait Mitsuki? As in Mitsuki Bakugo, Mother?

I: Yes son, I used to talk about her nonstop, I remember that she had a son a bit older than you. I wonder how he's doing?

I facepalmed myself

D: Mother the male who stole my man and adopted my kids is Katsuki Bakugo. Mitsuki Bakugo, your friend's son took my family away from me! I have to go I need to do some stuff.

I hung up before she could say anything else. I left my room to ask about the number "hey Kiri, Kami, do either of you have Todoroki's number? I want to catch up with him since I used to know him" they smiled and Kiri gave it to me before they said they had to leave. They made me promise to go out with them this weekend and bring Todoroki with me "I really shouldn't make promises anymore they just come back to bite me in the ass" I decided to call him tonight and went to get ready for my first day at work at Junji's Creamery "I don't even like ice cream but it pays well enough" I locked the house and walked to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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