Part Twenty-four

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To be fair, I can't say I've always dreamed of my wedding day, but I never imagined I would hate it this much. Here I am standing before a man I just met while surrounded by people I don't know. Of course my father didn't bother showing up, and I guess it was to be expected that my mother wouldn't either. Hilda would've never been granted permission and Mikhail might be dead for all I know, but he certainly wouldn't be allowed to come here if he isn't. The one person I truly don't want here is Heinry. He shouldn't have to witness this terrible sight, but then again, neither should I.

I have already walked down the long aisle and I'm now standing before my fiance. His green eyes stared down at me expectantly. I could tell he was bursting with excitement while I stood there idly--no emotion on my face and no emotion in my soul. Despite my expression, my dress was extravagant. The neckline fell low and the sleeves dropped just below my shoulders, leaving my collarbone exposed. The entirety of the white fabric was coated in sparkling gems and lined with thin lace. My hair was down and parted to the side while a veil of the same lace masked my face.

I don't remember much of the words that were said, I just remember the man before me taking my hand and sliding on a ring. I did the same rather robotically after he instructed me to. He then laced his fingers with mine. 

The worst part was when he lifted my veil, allowing me to fully see the reality around me. I had to remind myself everyday that I was in a novel. Maybe then all of this cruelty wouldn't matter--it's just's not a big deal.

But, it was, and I knew that as soon as his hands touched my face. His touch wasn't gentle like Heinry's, but rather controlling. Both of his arms reached forward, his hands so large that his fingers almost reached behind my head as he pulled me in. I sat still, unmoving, not wanting to move as he pressed his lips on mine. It all made me feel so disgusting and disloyal.


Rhyse had a lot on her mind. It seemed like Mikhail was the only one with any sense in the academy. The prince had returned at last and all of his peers rushed to him with concern. He had an obvious limp that he tried to hide, but he grimaced each time he tried to take a normal step. When asked about this, he said he fell off of a horse while training, which was...partially true.

Lately, these days though, he seems to go everywhere alone. It wasn't that others didn't try to follow him, it was more like he didn't want them to. Rhyse asked Mikhail about this and he told her it was because all of the students badmouthed Edith to him. He couldn't be friends with ignorant people like that.

"But, I thought his highness had feelings for Evalie, not Edith..." Rhyse held her finger to her chin.

"No," Mikhail shook his head with a smile as if the answer was so obvious, "I don't think he's ever had a proper conversation with her."

"Then why would people say that? The entirety of the aristocracy has been talking about it."

Mikhail tapped her on the forehead. "Because, people aren't as simple as you think they are."

She rubbed her temple with a pouting expression. "You talk as if you know everything."

"Not at all, I've just seen it for myself." He looked down solemnly. Rhyse had forgotten about his upbringing and internally hit herself. "I'm just saying that humans are strange. They stand firm in their morals, but they need something to root for. They need something good to support. But, to have something good, you need something evil." He clasped his hands together, his expression showing how deep in thought he was while trying to explain his thoughts.

"And they decided Edith is evil because Evalie is...good?" Rhyse tilted her head as she put the pieces together. Mikhail patted her on the head and slightly ruffled her hair. "Exactly," He smiled warmly. "Our lady Rhyse is so smart!" He practically jumped as he spoke so enthusiastically which made Rhyse's heart skip a beat.

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now