Part Thirty-six

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I was back at school. It was strange to be there having not had any form of education for years. I've lived many more years than my age yet I still feel so adjusted to my original life. Yet, a piece of me would always be missing.

I walked into my class and was instantly bombarded by all of my friends---all of which I had to take time to remember fully. I smiled and laughed with them how I used to and they all comforted me and treated me like I belonged; which I did, but I still felt so detached.

But then, he walked in--a boy I hadn't seen in years, but definitely on I remembered--Jace. Eva used to be in love with him. She'd always rave about his dazzling blue eyes, but when I looked in them, they just reminded me of Heinry. 

He approached me and set a drink on my desk. I flinched since I was scared it would be some form of iced tea. I used to drink those all the time. But, instead it was a cherry soda--a drink I've come to love in my past few weeks back home.

"How did you know I...?" I tilted my head and he smiled.

"How could I not know? You hate tea." 

My eyes grew wide at his words and I heard my friends around me collectively agree that I was a tea fanatic. But, I was tunnel-visioned on him. Without thinking, I stood up and walked forward which caused him to back up.

"Jace..." I started as I studied him and he looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Yes..?" It was then that I realized how weird I was acting. I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Oh," I laughed, "I was visited me in the hospital didn't you?" I asked since I had a brief memory of him being by my side while I was in and out of consciousness.

"Oh, yes, but don't just thank me," He gestured around the room, "A lot of us did." He smiled and I let out a sigh of relief because of my successful cover-up. "You had me so worried though....I don't know what I would do if I lost you again.." He muttered in a barely audible voice, but.....

I heard it.


By the time school ended, I hadn't talked to Jace again, I just rushed to leave. Maybe I was scared to since his words reminded me of someone too much. It hurts. So, I just decided to try and forget about it all. It would be better for me that way.

However, as I rushed down the sidewalk, I heard him call my name. "(y/n)!" He yelled but I just walked faster. I forced my eyes shut and shook my head until his next words stopped me in my tracks. "Edith!" I froze and slowly turned to him as he grasped my hand and spun me around to face him.

"...Heinry?" I said with shock as tears streamed down my face. He lifted his hand and gently wiped under my eyes with his sleeve. "Took you long enough." He smiled, "Do you know how long I've been waiting for your memory to---"

I cut his words off by throwing myself on him. He instantly knelt down and returned my hug.

"Why are you so surprised?" He asked as he held me tightly, "I told you I would find you."

I just cried even more until I eventually brought myself to look up at him. "I promise to never separate us again." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and he brought his hand up to my face. "And I promise to never let you..."

"....ever again."

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now