• the twins argument •

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One day in Rivendell, Elladan and Elrohir were working together in the library

"I don't think you should do it like that" said Elladan looking above Elrohir's shoulder what he was writing on a paper

They had been working on their school works for hours now and the atmosphere start to weight and getting colder betwen the twins

The table became a full mess of paper after all those hours of works

"What are you talking about?" Replied Elrohir a bit annoyed

"I'm teeling you that you are doing it wrong"

"Escuse me? Then help me if you know so much about everything "M.Elladan"" said Elrohir with a cold tone facing his twin

"No need to yell" replied Elladan crossing his arm and sighed

Elrohir didn't respond and re focuse his attention on the works

Elladan just decided to stop working and do nothing about a hour ago

Which was annoying Elrohir a bit more and more when Elladan start to move a lot on his chair and started to whistle and fixing him actually doing all the works

"Can you stop?!" Said Elrohir dropping his pen on the table and looked at Elladan in the eyes

"What??" Elladan asked like he didn't know at all why his twin could be mad

"What?? Are you serious Dan'?" Replied angrily Elrohir standing up off his chair

Elladan looked at his twin in confussion and then stand up too to face Elrohir

"What's wrong with you today?" Asked Elladan

"What's wrong with ME?? You can't be serious?!"

"You're overeacting Ro'" said Elladan who started to get angry too


"Yes! Yes you are, i did nothing wrong, i don't know what's your problem" replied Elladan coldly

"MY PROBLEM?!" Replied Elrohir trowing some papers who where on the table in Elladan's face

Elrohir didn't let Elladan say a word and continue without taking back his breath


Now every other elves who where in the library were staring at them intensly and the usual quiet library was now filled with whisper everywhere about the usual close twins

The elves were all shocked at Elrohir yelling at Elladan like that

The two of them where always so close and their relationship was so strong, the only rare time they did fight were short and stopped quieckly

But out of sudden Elladan agresively give a punch to Elrohir on the shoulders

"SHUT UP!" Yelled Elladan at Elrohir while giving him another punch


Elrohir punch back Elladan to make him stand back but it only made Elladan replied with another strong punch who almost make Elrohir fall

Elrond who was near by the library heard some yelling and immediatly went as fast as he could in the direction of the library

When he oppened the doors in a hurry he froze when he saw Elladan graping tightly some of Elrohir's hair with his right hand and a dagger on his other hand

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