Hello birdie!

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"Come on!" I shout as Carl struggles to get out of the Carl tangled in the seatbelt I turn to the pharmacy "don't!" Carl shouts as I kick in the door taking my knife out rushing in "Birdie!" I hear Carl shout but I ignore him walking in slowly making my way to the feminine care isle grabbing every box of plan b and off brand versions of it I could running back out side "Carl?" I ask I could see him anywhere "Carl!" I shout firmly looking around taking my knife out he was gone and the car still stood where it was

"Carl middle name grimes where the hell are you?!" I shout looking around "fuck this" I groan sitting down putting the boxes infront of me ripping one open pouring our what was in the box on the road I take the directions scanning them "what the fuck" I mutter hearing footsteps from not far away looking around I rip open the packet of the pills pouring them into my hand throwing them into my mouth taking my bottle of water chugging it down "ugh" I groan sticking my tongue out

"Do not move if you move I will shoot" a man's voice says and I hear a gun cock "come on man just let me go home" I groan putting my hands up standing up turning around to see the boy I knocked out in the woods

"you follow me?" I ask "you and your boyfriend" he replies and men holding Carl step forward carls nose was bloody and he was hung over like he'd been hit in the chest and stomach

"what do you want?" I ask annoyed with the situation "abortion pills huh? Looks like they've been busy" a man chuckles walking up to the boy holding the gun to me

"What we want is a girl" the man reply's he seemed creepy and that he had bad intentions "and I'm that?" I ask "oh yea" the boy says smirking "we have a group about 40 men who will loovvee you" another man says

"if you touch her I'll kill you" Carl groans he was in pain you could hear it in his voice "sure kid" the man who seemed in charge said looking back to me "kill the boy take the girl" he says plainly "No!" I shout as two men grab me "No not again!" I cry Carl tries to fight but is stopped after a bit he's on the ground getting kneed in the ribs
Something flips inside of me like a switch it wouldn't happen again I wouldn't let it happen again not to me not to Carl he wouldn't die and I would not be raped

"No!" I scream stomping on one man's foot pushing the other running at him punching him in the face kicking his knee in turning to the other he's taken out his knife and shouts running at me I run at him as he swings his knife I let him cut my arm only to gain an opening punching him in the face and kicking in his knee causing him to drop the knife and shout in pain I pick up the knife pulling the man's head back by his hair stabbing him in the chest angrily "Not again!" I scream as the knife moves to his neck just hacking away

"Drop the knife!" The man in charge shouts I drop the man who's gurgling from blood and he goes limp bleeding out on the ground I tilt my head and walk towards him angrily but he doesn't shoot his hand gets shakey and he drops the gun and backs up but I grab him by the back of the neck stabbing him in the stomach multiple times in and out in and out my knife went through his body I keep going until I'm stabbing just chunks and guts and I let him drop

I grab the man's gun and carls struggling to hold his own in the fight he'd caused with the two men holding him I shoot both men in the head and walk over to Carl helping him up throwing his arm around my neck so he put his weight on me "come on" I say gently as he wobbles along "what about the boxes?" He says his voice is broken and raspy "it's fine Carl I took em" I say walking past a man shouting at us I'd broken his knee he wouldn't make it "we need to get you back Alexandria" I say helping Carl into the car I get into the drivers seat closing the door lifting carls shirt up touching his rib bones slightly they were bruised and had to be broken "don't move if it hurts ok?" I ask Carl nods giving me a pained smile and I drive as fast as I could with Carl in the car as he directed
"Carl" I whisper gently he'd fallen asleep but we'd made it home after a day of driving we had to switch cars at one point it was hard because of carls ribs and how it caused him pain moving
"Carl" I say a bit louder shaking him he opens his eyes batting them looking around to see where we are "home?" He asks grogily "home" I say happily the gates open and I drive through getting out quickly "I need help carls injured badly!" I shout and people come running over paying me no mind

Daryl eventually makes his way over hugging me tightly on hand on the back of my head scrunching up my hair and another on the back "oh thank god!" He crys quietly "Bridget!" Rosita shouts excitedly running over joining the hug Daryl lets me go he's crying and I smile wiping his tears away with my thumb holding his fast with the rest of my hand "I'm home it's ok" I say softly

michonne and Rick run over both holding me tightly "Carl went out and we thought he wouldn't come back he was gone for about a week you brought him home thank you!" Michonne says kissing my forehead hugging me again Rick kisses the top of my head and then jogs over to a bunch of men helping Carl out of the car gently "what the hell happened?" Daryl asks as michonne walks towards Carl and Rick I sigh looking over to Rick and Carl and look back to Daryl "long story" I say putting my hands on my hips leaning on one leg propping the other out

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