Chapter Two

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Tuesday September 8th 1938

I began walking to the High School. I've never walked this route before because I always attended the public school on the other side of town. I went there from kindergarten all the way to the eighth grade. Now I'm going to High School, which is on the opposite end of town as the public school. I was a little excited. I mean, it was my first day of High School! I have never been one to get excited easily, but this was pretty big.I walked down the street. Houses lined either side of it. There was the occasional tree in someone's yard. There were leaves all over people's lawns and people were outside raking. It had rained last night, so the leaves were soggy and they stuck together. The sidewalk was also wet. A car drove by, its engine quietly roaring as it drove past.

It drove over a puddle, sending a spray of water at me. I ran forward in alarm as the wave of water missed me. I kept walking. At the end of the road was the High School. I walked up to it slowly. It was bigger than the public school, much bigger. It had a road as well as a parking lot leading into it. I walked into the parking lot, examining my surroundings. To the right of the school was a big, flat expanse of grass. This must be the yard. At the far end of it was a track. I saw a lot of people in the yard and on the track. I figured I'd go over and wait for classes to start.

Classes. My stomach dropped. I reached into my pockets to check for my time table. It wasn't there. I kneeled down and hastily slipped off my backpack, unzipped it and rummaged through it. It wasn't there.

"Blast it." I muttered under my breath.

What would I do now? As I zipped my backpack back up, a pair of white sneakers came into my vision.

"Looking for something?" Asked a familiar voice.

I looked up to see my best (albeit only) friend, Blaire Sullivan. She was holding a slip of paper. It was my time table! I stood up and smiled at her.

"You're a life saver Blaire! Thanks a lot." I said gratefully.

"No problem, I found it back there on the sidewalk. It had your name on it." She replied.

I took the wet piece of paper from her, careful not to tear it. I looked back at her.

Blaire Sullivan had dark green eyes and short milky brown hair. Her skin tone was a little dark. She was just a little taller than me. Not even an inch taller, but she still insisted on rubbing it in every chance she got. She was wearing a black shirt with red trim. She wore simple black pants. Just then, the bell rang.

"Well, let's get inside and start our classes." Blaire said giddily.

"Okay, do we have any classes together? Let me see your time table." I said, holding my hand out.

"I took a peek at your time table, we have all four of our classes together!" Blaire exclaimed in joy.

Okay, I had to admit that it was pretty awesome how we had all of our classes together. Blaire held her hand up for a high five, which I promptly returned.

"Come on, let's go!" She said eagerly.

Blaire and I walked towards the front door of the school. We came into a huge, long hallway. We walked in a little and there was the office to our left. I looked further down the hall and found that there were other corridors branching off of this one. This hallway and the others were lined with classrooms. The people who were in the yard started pouring in through the door behind us. The hallway became filled with chatter.

"It looks like we have math with Mr. Gord first." Blaire said, glancing at her time table.

I looked to mine, which was already starting to dry off.

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