Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Wednesday September 9th 1938

After science was lunch. Blaire and I went to the cafeteria because we both brought bagged lunch.

"I am so not excited for geography!" Blaire moaned when we sat down.

"I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to it myself either." I admitted.

"There you are!" Called a familiar voice.

Hannah skipped over to our table and sat down, setting her bagged lunch on the table.

"Hey guys." Hannah said with a smile.

"Hey." Blaire replied.

"Hello." I said.

I opened my lunch bag to find some leftover casserole from last night.

"Lovely." I muttered.

"What? You don't like casserole?" Hannah asked.

I shook my head.

"Oh no, it's great." I said sarcastically.

I shoveled a piece into my mouth and managed to choke it down.

"Delicious." I said with a cringe.

"Looks like it. Here, have some more." Blaire said as she took my spoon, scooped up more of the casserole and stuck it in my mouth.

I swallowed, cringed, glaring at her.

"Really?" I asked.

"Couldn't help it." She replied with a shrug.

Hannah giggled, covering her mouth.

"You two act like brother and sister." She remarked.

"Yeah, we look out for each other, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun on the side. Right Max?" She asked.

"What she means to say is that even though we look out for each other, she has the right to pick on me." I explained to Hannah.

Hannah giggled again, beginning to eat her sandwich that she brought. I finished off the rest of my casserole and Blaire ate a sandwich, like Hannah. After we finished, we stood up from our table.

"The bell is going to ring soon, we should get to geography." Hannah told us.

"Wouldn't want to keep Mr. Ivan waiting." Blaire joked.

We walked to our lockers and grabbed our things for geography, then headed to room 187. We found Mr. Ivan talking to a girl about something near his desk. Blaire, Hannah and I sat down in the seats we had yesterday. Class started a few minutes later and a few students were late. We wrapped up our warmup and began working on Global Geography, which was basically naming countries, continents, cities, capital cities, longitude and latitude. Blaire and Hannah didn't understand the concept of longitude and latitude, or much of anything else for that matter, so gave them a hand.

Finally class let out and Blaire and I met Hannah outside of the classroom as the rest of the students filed out.

"Max and I have gym now. We'll meet up at the front entrance after school. Sound good?" Blaire asked.

"Yes, see you guys then!" Hannah said with a smile as she turned on her heel and walked off.

"I like her." Blaire said with a smile.

"I do too, she seems like a good friend." I said with a thoughtful nod.

Blaire and I walked to our lockers and dropped our things off there. We then walked to gym. I looked around. No sign of Tony. We rounded the corner near where we had our fight yesterday. We found the teacher taking attendance. She looked better than she did yesterday. I mean, she hadn't looked sick yesterday, but compared to yesterday she looked great today. Strange. As Blaire and I rounded the corner the teacher looked at us, but when her gaze shifted to me, it lingered. She stared for nearly ten seconds.

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