Chapter 3: Jordan

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August 29, 2013

It's been two hours since the Facebook message was sent out.  I've received 30 messages, but they are mostly condolences and offers of prayer.

Sam's parents can't make it.  Her father is a pastor and has a church obligation to attend to.  Sam told me when we were together that her parents were not ones to show up for her, but I can't believe they'd be so cold about this.  My blood boils.

A couple from Sam's old church is flying out today and should be arriving in five hours.  Sam's roommates, Waylon, Danny, and Nikki are headed over now but are not thrilled that I'm here.  I'm not sure how that's gonna go but I hope they realize I'm not leaving.

Sam moved her finger earlier and then her breathing deepened almost immediately when I started talking to her.  I pressed the nurse's alarm when I first saw movement, but Sam was back under before May came in.

May is about 5'0" and bubbly as hell.  She almost skips when she walks, and she has a high-pitched voice that sounds like she's excited about life 24/7.  It was annoying at first because I thought she was trying to cheer me up.  After her second visit and hearing her with the patient next door, I realized it's just her personality.

Anyway, May skips into the room and says cheerfully, "So how are we doing? Saw you buzzed, is everything okay?"  She gives me a huge smile.  

"Sam's finger twitched.  I thought maybe something was happening but then her breathing went deep again." I was hoping May would tell me some good news.

May's smile didn't dim, "I'm sure it happened because it was between morphine shots and just as the pain was coming back the morphine kicked in again.  You keep a good eye on this one and I'll be back to check on her in," May looks at her watch, "nineteen minutes and twenty-three seconds".  

Without waiting for a reply, she skips out of the room and I swear she twirled in the hallway.  They might want to take another inventory of their morphine stock, that woman has to be on something.

Waylon, Nikki, and Danny walk into the room.  They don't even see me at first.

I don't think my Facebook message was as graphic as the truth of the situation was.  The three roommates are stunned by the bruises, tubes, and bandages that cover Sam from head to toe.

Danny and Nikki come around the bed.  Danny kneels next to Sam's hospital bed and Nikki stands beside her, putting her hand on Danny's shoulder.

Waylon stands on the left side of the bed and gently places her hand on Sam's.  Waylon is the first to allow tears to roll down her cheeks and the other two can't hold back any longer either.

After what feels like five minutes of silence, Nikki whispers, "what, exactly, happened?"

I ask them to sit on the couch and chair while I stand next to Sam.  I recap everything officer Livant and detective Boyd told me.

They are shocked and disbelieving, but the proof is in the room that I'm not making it up or exaggerating the facts.

Danny asks with an accusing tone, "Why'd they call you?"

I take a deep breath as I tell myself not to snap back.  It won't help Sam if there is tension in the room.

"Apparently Sam still has me in her phone as her emergency contact," I say as calmly as I can and forcing myself to look Danny in the eye.  "When they looked up ICE for 'in case of emergency', my name came up."  I shrug my shoulders wondering what it means for Sam to still have me in her phone like that.  "Sam and I haven't talked for..."

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