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When Ron and Hermione saw the title, they cringed a bit, knowing what was coming

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When Ron and Hermione saw the title, they cringed a bit, knowing what was coming.

"Slugs? And a warning?"


"Huh? I don't understand..."

Many were confused about the title. (Name) and her other friends remembered what happened tried not to turn to Draco and glare at him because of what he did.

Draco, on the other hand, shifted in his seat uncomfortably, holding his face in his hand.

The next few days, the four Gryffindors leisurely strolled along the winding school corridor, their footsteps echoing faintly after the morning potions classes they had so diligently attended, coincidentally alongside the Slytherins.

"It's true then, you're the newest chaser?" Harry inquired with a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in his emerald eyes.

"Wait! I want to see the quidditch tryouts!" James and Sirius frowned.

"Why didn't they show us!" The quidditch fanatics frowned a bit.

(Name) smirked a bit, knowing that they purposely did it so that it will be a surprise when she played the game.

(Name) responded with a nod of affirmation, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Yup!"

"Congratulations!" Regulus, Sirius and many others said. 

"Now the roles are reversed," Marlene commented with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Lily asked her best friend.

"James takes on the role of a chaser, contrasting with his son who excels as a seeker. Sirius, on the other hand, dominates as a beater, while his brother thrives as a seeker. As for (Name), she is chosen as a chaser, creating a fascinating dynamic of reversed roles on the field," she elaborated.

"Oh!" Many gasped in realization.

"I didn't think about that either," Sirius smiled at his friends who nodded in agreement.

Ron's interest was piqued as he questioned eagerly, "What's this about quidditch?"
With a sly grin, Harry leaned in, his eyes gleaming mischievously, as he teased, "And here I thought (Name) had already dished out all the juicy details about becoming the new quidditch chaser."

"I forgot," (Name) sweat dropped when her friends and many others were looking at her.

Hermione, ever observant, shook her head in slight disbelief before turning her gaze towards her friend, her tone laced with mild reproach, "You didn't mention this to me, did you?"

Caught off guard by her forgetfulness, (Name) quickly apologized, her cheeks flushed with a tinge of embarrassment, "Oh, no... It completely slipped my mind, I'm sorry."

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