Worth more then a limb

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About a week had passed and Catnap was hiding in the closet with his newborns. Juliet wanted to peak but knew her mom needed space. Dogday patted her back and opened the closet a bit so she could see. Dogday could tell Catnap wasn't done but it seemed fine for now. Catnap was grooming a little figure, panting every now and again. Dogday went and got him some water. Juliet stood up and walked in, sitting next to CatNap's head.

Juliet "So small..."

Catnap was surprisingly uneasy with Juliet there but didn't stop grooming the little one. Juliet went to touch it and Catnap snarled. Juliet got scared and ran to Dogday, crashing into his leg.

Dogday "Woah there, why the rush?"

Juliet "Mommy growled at me....."

Dogday "I told you not to go near him"  he said walking to the closet

Dogday gently rubbed CatNap's head, letting his hand sit there as he gave Catnap the bottle. Catnap moved away from his hand and yawned.

Dogday "No, no.. I know you're tired but there's still more..." He said, petting him

Catnap growled but pushed against his hand. Dogday pulled Juliet closer. Catnap did feel bad but he was on edge. Juliet messed with her tail, nervous. CatNap's ears perked up when the little pastel purple lynx with black accents started whining. Catnap started grooming the little baby and Dogday took Juliet outside.

Juliet "Are you replacing me....?"

Dogday "What..? No... No, nonono... We will never replace you..." He said lovingly

Dogday cuddled her close and kissed her head. Juliet's tail wagged as she purred loudly. Dogday remembered her had that thing tomorrow, Catnap and Juliet had to come but the two little little babies couldn't. Dogday started making dinner.

•--An Hour Later--•

Dogday was already anxious when he heard a screech. Dogday ran to Catnap. Catnap kept adjusting himself, uncomfortable. Dogday pet him, trying to comfort him. Catnap let out a yelp of pain. Dogday called Bubba, scared. Dogday quickly explained what was going on.

Bubba "Sounds like the baby isn't facing head first. I can come over in 5 minutes if you can keep him calm. And DO NOT let him push anything."

Dogday agreed and rubbed CatNap's head.  Catnap was in obvious pain, but he didn't stop giving the tiny Lynx attention.

Catnap "Mrrrrooow..." He cried out in pain between panting

Dogday "I- I know..."

Catnap "Mraaaaaow..."

Dogday tried his best to comfort the crying kitty to no avail. Bubba came in and opened the closet enough to get in before he started helping.

•--almost two hours later--•

Dogday was still petting Catnap as he laid there, panting aggressively. Dogday let him when he leaned around to nose at the little black colored kitten. Catnap froze, sniffing the little baby.

Dogday "Kitty..? What's wrong..?"

Catnap groomed the little one a bit, but it wasn't moving. Catnap groomed it aggressively, still getting no reaction. Catnap nosed the little one's limp body. It was dead. Dogday teared up and looked out of the Closet.

DogDay "Bubba..... It's... It's dead...."

Bubba "what? I can fix it" he said as he stood

Bubba came in and went to grab the baby. Catnap growled but understood he had to intervene. Bubba took the little baby and started rubbing circles into its chest. Catnap watched, scared. After a few minutes Bubba stopped and listened. For a few seconds they only heard the first baby, until.

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