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"Petrified?" Lily muttered the title

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"Petrified?" Lily muttered the title.

"Like... Another victim?" Mary asked, looking at her friends and the future generations with a hint of fear and worry in her voice.

"Could be," Sirius hummed with a serious look, turning to his daughter and friends to see their expression was nothing indifferent. "Let's just be glad that it's not another death like Myrtle at all."

"I mean, could you imagine having to deal with another ghost haunting Hogwarts?" Harry added, shaking his head in disbelief. "We've had enough close calls as it is."

Luna Lovegood nodded in agreement, her wide silver eyes sparkling with curiosity. "It would certainly be quite the story to tell in the Quibbler if it were, though," she mused.

Ginny Weasley smirked, her red hair framing her mischievous grin. "I don't know, I think I wouldn't mind having another haunted bathroom to avoid using," she joked, earning a chuckle from her group of friends.

Arthur rolled his eyes playfully at the banter, glad that his daughter and friends were able to find some light-heartedness in the midst of potential danger. Thankfully, this time, it seemed that the strange occurrences at Hogwarts were nothing more than a harmless curiosity.

However, the unsettling feeling of who was going to be petrified next still loomed their thoughts.

The scene shows that the next morning, students were hurrying to classes.

Then, it found Harry, (Name), Ron, and Hermione walking together across the school grounds.

"It was Hagrid," Harry said. "Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago."

A few shook their heads in disappointment at how fixated Harry was on to blame the first person he had ever trusted in the Wizarding world.

"He's too quick to judge... Like, Merlin, why?" James sighed.

"He got that from you, James," Lily pointed out.

"What do you mean from me?" James looked at his girlfriend, unsure of what she meant.

"Remember the first day we met on the train?"Lily reminded. "You were the one who were quick to judge too, and you said something along the lines that Slytherin is a house of evil and many other things too."

James sat there stunned as his mind raced back to the past before he muttered, "Oh crap... I guessed you're right..."

Lily hummed and gave a squeeze on his hand, "And that was because you were naive and young. Harry is one, too."

Remus butted in and said, "Basically, you soul possessed Harry unconsciously at that age."

"Hey! You're not helping, Moons," James gasped dramatically, causing his friends to laugh at him.

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