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    Charlie and Vaggie, 2 peas in a pod, snoozing in bed. It was just about 7:00 am when Charlie's phone rang. "I'll get it!" She said, to no response. Unknown caller.. she thought; Well I know Vaggie doesn't like when I answer random calls, but it could be
"Hello! Charlie, Hazbin Hotel, speaking! Who is this? What can I do for ya?"

"Erm, hello 🤓" A slightly nerdy voice replied. "I'm Verbalase! Erm..I think you're really neat, and I'd like to get to know you, if you don't mind, heheh.."
"Oh, uhm, where and WHAT is this for exactly?" Charlie questioned, confused. "Well, this is for you! At the V's studio! I know you don't know me, but I know you!"

"Excuse me what." She was starting to get a little suspicious of this "Verbalase". Anyways, it would have to be a no, considering Vaggie's presence. "Heheh, sorry. I just know you as Princess of Hell..NO STALKING. WHATSOEVER!" The beatboxer responded immediately. "Well....unfortunatly unless you've got a valid reason, I really can't-"

"Okay, okay! What time?" Charlie blurted, becoming irritated. "2:00. Thank you, of course," He gratefully responded. "Well, okay, meet you there! Hopefully.."
She hung up and let out a sigh. Weird..Wait a minute..How did he get my number?! Ugh, I'll figure- Her worries were interrupted by a deep, yet feminine voice. "What was that about? And more importantly WHO WAS-" raged Vaggie, who was quickly interrupted by Charlie. "Calm down Vaggie, it's uhm...someone who *ugh I can't lie!* Wants to talk to me. FORMALY! He would like to do business with us!" She imitated a business man's voice. "Well in that age I guess I'll tag along-To make sure you don't make any stupid agreements," angry grey woman said, sarcastically. "Wait what's his name?"

"Uhm...I think it was Verbal@$$."

"Look I forget his name, and, I need to learn to be more independent! So I'll go solo."

Vaggie gave her a look of respect, though she wasn't smiling, and replied, "FIne. BUT DON'T MAKE ANY-"

"DEALS! I got it Vaggie, don't worry!"

"If ya say so"
Charlie dashed to her dresser to to tame her hair and pull on some "formal" clothing. Vaggie placed her tattered bow atop Charlie's hair, and gave her a thumbs up, as she walked away.

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There! Charlie buckled her suit up, grabbed her belongings, and headed out for the studio.
You can do this, Charlie! Just don't make any stupid deals, and, well-ANYTHING STUPID-and you'll do fine! She reassured herself, almost thinking this in Vaggie's voice.

How CHARLIE Met VERBAL@$$ 😩Where stories live. Discover now