Reaction Time

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I guess you finally got your wish Kachaan. See? I'm taking your advice. You'll never have to see me again. Now you'll be happy right?" With this he jumped off the roof with a content smile on his face.

The verse ended and the screen turned black.

There was pin drop silence in the theatre as everyone processed what just happened. The first one to break out his stupor was Eraserhead. He jumped on his seat and used his scarf to tie All Might up and dragged his skeleton body towards himself.

He grabbed his collar with both hands and glared at him, "What were you thinking? How could say something like that to a child? What kind of hero shatters the dreams of a child like that? And if that wasn't enough, you left him on a 10 floor roof after breaking him completely. Are you really that stupid or was it intentional? Who the hell leaves a kid on a rooftop after he just survived a villain attack? Also, did you tell him to be realistic? Who said that quirkless people can't be heroes? Hell, I fight basically quirkless. Does that mean you don't see me as a hero? What about all the heroes that use their skills instead of their quirks? Are you ridiculing all of them? Are we not heroes for you? Tell me All Might!!!" He screamed in All Might's face.

No one tried interfering Aizawa's rant. The Heroes were disgruntled after hearing their no. 1 speak this way to a child.

Izuku teared up after hearing Aizawa. No one had ever stood up for him like that before when he was quirkless. He felt warm and decided that he liked this feeling.

Gran Torino in particular was dissapointed in his student. "Toshinori, for the first time in my life I am doubting Nana's judgement."

"Sensei but I-"

"No, Toshinori. You of all people did not have the right to say that to Izuku. You yourself were quirkless once and you knew how quirkless people were treated back in your day, It has gotten much worse than before and as the no. 1 hero, you should have been aware of this. but not only did you disregard all the quirkless people, you shattered the very dream that Nana nurtured in you. Saying I'm dissapointed right now would be an understatement."

Hearing his sensei's words All Might felt ashamed of himself and looked down. He didn't have the courage to face them right now.

"Wait, All Might was quirkless?" Shoto asked "so, how did he get his quirk then"

(A/N: I'm using Shoto's family 's first names so that it's not confusing.)

"All Might's quirk is unique. It can be passed down through generations by DNA. But the users have to be willing to pass it on. All Might was the 8th user of the quirk." Lilith explained.

"You can't just say that! It's supposed to be a secret!" All Might screeched.

Lith looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "well it's gonna be revealed later anyway, might as well come clean now." She shrugged.

"Was?" Shoto asked.

"Was." Lith nodded.

"That means he passed his quirk. whom?" Momo thought out loud.

Class 1-A's eyes widened and they all came to the same conclusion "Midoriya!" They screamed.

Izuku blushed, "Yeah, I'm the ninth user."

"No wonder your power was so similar to All Might. It was his!" Uraraka said.

"Yup, it was" Lith agreed "and that bastard gave it to Izuku on the day of the entrance exam. He didn't even teach him how to use his quirk. Nor did he explain the basics of the quirk to him." She then turned towards Nezu "why'd you even hire him as a teacher to begin with? He sucks at teaching."

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