I'm Sorry

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(Such a funny picture for such a sad chapter)

Ashley pov: 

I was in a black room. There was no sound and no movement. I attempted to get up only to realise I couldn't move. I started to panic as I got flashbacks to my past life. My parents would often chain me to the bed and then beat me before they found a better use for my body. I had lost times of how many times it had happened now, and it left such a huge mental scar that I have become aroace. U may be wondering what I mean. Well, I was raped. My demon human family loved nothing more than to see me in pain and getting money out of it was just a benefit. Anyway, back to the present. I struggled with all my might until I realised that there was nothing attached to me that was holding me down. I stopped. My brain was wondering how I couldn't get up when nothing was restraining me, that was until I heard a voice that echoed around the room. 'You are no longer my sister.' The voice penetrated my skull and got into my head. I started screaming wanting the voice to stop when I heard the same voice saying something different. 'Pls forgive me, Ash. I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking and it just slipped out.' I smiled before realizing that that voice had come from somewhere else. I closed my eyes before slowly opening them to see Rui sitting by my bed clutching my hand and repeating what he had said over and over. I chuckled. Rui's head shot up and started at me. Before I could say a word, Rui was hugging me as tight as he could and was apologizing over and over and over again. I put my hand on his head and started patting it to try to get him to calm down, he had often done this to me when I was sad so I thought it might help. It worked and Rui calmed down. 'Rui, it's okay. I know u were just really mad and it slipped out.' Rui smiled 'BUT, if u ever do that again I am going to murder u.' Rui gave me a look and sighed. 'Point taken, Ash.' 

Muchiro pov: 

 After Ashley had recovered from her breakdown and was feeling better, she restored some of my memories about the infinity fortress, like where everyone's rooms were. I decided to go and visit Rui because that is what Ashley had suggested so I walked to his room and knocked on his door. Rui opened the door a few seconds later. 'Hey Rui, Ashley said I should head here first since I didn't really know what to do.' Rui smiled and invited me in. I saw someone sitting on Rui's bed and a memory suddenly invaded my head. I screamed in pain and fell while clutching my head. Ashley was suddenly there and was managing to calm the pain that had managed to completely overtake my brain.  'Sorry Muchiro, I completely forgot to mention that some memories would come back on their own and when that happens there is an awful lot of pain involved.' I carefully nodded as Rui helped me onto his bed. I sneaked a glance at how close I was to the other person on the bed and moved away a bit. The memory that came back was when I first saw Axel, which was when we thought he had been brutally murdered by Ashley. I glanced over at Ashley wondering why she hadn't killed him again and saw her glaring at Axel while her eye was twitching. I could see that Ashley desperately wanted to kill Axel and honestly, I couldn't blame her, from what I had heard he defiantly didn't deserve the second chance Rui was giving him. 'Rui, where r u going?' I looked over to see Rui heading towards a door. 'I'm just going to the toilet, Ash, no big deal.' I was pretty sure that Ashley and I both saw him holding his stomach like he was about to be sick. He was fooling no one.

3rd person pov:

Over the next few weeks Rui continued to get worse. He had begun to throw up full flowers and could hardly talk without feeling like he was going to throw up. Everyone was starting to realise something was wrong with the young boy, but he always manged to come up with an excuse. Ashley never brought it though and was determined to prove Axel was still a horrible person so that she could save her brother's life (and make her ship sail)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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