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My political career was off to a bad start.

Barely an hour after we arrived, I made Dora fell asleep. Just by talking about myself! In fact, I talked so much, my throat felt sore. I had to do all kinds of speeches, but couldn't remember talking this much at once. Nor what I was talking about. Guess I was starting to get old.

She, on the other hand, was looking like youth itself.

Her chest calmly rising with her breath, she was peacefully sleeping on the sand. I felt a little bad for doing all the talking but she did seem interested at first. Then was out cold the next moment. At least she seemed relaxed, her lips in a smile. I still barely knew anything about her.

Having a daughter did not seem so bad though.

Or, rather, having a daughter like her. Even assuming that it was all a plot by her mother to make a living. But everything happened so fast, and seemed so surreal. This was the first time I even got to think about it in a soberly fashion. Met her two days ago, and now she was sleeping next to me. We agreed to take the test, then come here on a friday evening. Stay until the next sunday, ten days to spend together. Just the two of us! A weekend at first might have sounded more sensible.

What if she gets bored? I mean, I already put her to sleep. I could come up with some stuff to do. That could be fun for a few hours, but to keep her engaged for ten days? It would require a complete planning staff!

What did teenage girls like to do to begin with?

I never got to spend more than a week at once with my son either. And figuring out what a boy would like was much easier. Plus, I knew him from his birth. I acted confident to foil her mother's plans. But finding myself in this situation made me realise, I'm completely clueless. I grabbed my phone, and tried every keyword I could think of, to figure out what she would like. And what kinds of options we had available nearby?

"Hnng... Whatcha' doing?" I heard a sleepy voice, almost dropping the phone. "Uwah, the Sun is going down, how long did I sleep?"

"I think about two hours or so." I said, but I had to glance at the time. Watching her stretch and yawn like a cat, I realised how much I spent searching, but barely found anything. "I was looking for stuff to do, in case you get bored of sleeping on the beach. There are four amusement parks in a twenty mile radius, and some museums with interesting displays..."

"Yeah... amusement parks..." She looked down and to the side. Sitting on her heels, as if contemplating how to say it. "They must be really fun and all, but... can we just... not? The sea seems plenty fun enough!"

"Oh, okay, that makes my job easier." I noted, then realised. "You did this same vacation thing with the other candidates too, right? Let me guess, all of them took you to amusement parks?"

"I... um..." She was looking in every direction, but towards me. She blushed more and more by the minute. "Maybe... But none of them brought me to the beach, so it'll be fine, don't worry!"

"Well, I'm not worried about that..." I noted. "May I ask how many such trips you had so far? A rough estimation! And how does this even work? Sue is always sure they are your father, so they should take you somewhere? And why not wait until the test is done? I mean, I was a bit tight on time, but how was she able to play this with everyone? And what's the point to begin with? Where is she disappearing in the meantime?"

"I don't know the details..." She claimed quickly, but I could tell she knew much more than she told me. "At first, I was convinced she actually found my father. Thought he would take care of me from then on... But after two weeks, Mom showed up and told us that the test was negative, and we moved on. I don't even remember all of them, there was maybe five or... seven. Why is she doing it like this? I don't know, other than what I told you already. She always thinks she found him, then it's all going down the drain. Never spent more than a month with any of them."

"That's not even mathematically possible!" I said confused. I expected a few guys, but not seven. "She spent a few months with me. Unless she was with a different guy every night, there should be no more than three legit candidates... Although I won't pretend I know her."

"Again, she wouldn't tell me the details. But you have nothing to worry about, right?" She asked, looking a bit offended. "You made her sign that paper, so she couldn't do anything with you anyway."

"It's not entirely true, but okay, it's certainly not your fault. Sorry for venting on you." I said, calming myself down. "Anyway, if not amusement parks and museums, then tell me what you'd like to do. It can be anything, as long as it's sensible, it's your vacation after all, so don't be shy!"

"I, um... would... like to drive your car!" She anounced, surprising me. But it wasn't anything crazy, so I was happy to comply. She blushed to her ears before the next though. "Would like it if you'd tell me about all the stuff I missed again too... Once I fell asleep."

"Bed time stories, gotcha!" I noted laughing, earning a big punch on my shoulder. "I would have thought you are older than that already, but it can be arranged! And where do you want to drive?"

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