Chapter 6 ~The People in My Dreams

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After I got Mase and David, the doctors were still busy checking if Julie was okay

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After I got Mase and David, the doctors were still busy checking if Julie was okay. Mase and I sat on the bench beside Julie's room, with Christie beside me.

One of Julie's friends, Xavier, is pacing back and forth in front of Julie's room. "Would you stop walking back and forth? You're making me nervous," Christie spoke up.

"You don't think I'm nervous with the condition Julie's in?" He slightly raised his voice and stopped pacing to look at Christie.

"Okay, that's enough," David said, trying to calm them down and Xavier went and sat next to Chris.

Not long after that, Julie's doctor came out of her room saying that we could go in and see her. Christie looked at me and I nodded in confirmation that they could go in first. I mean, why would Mase and I go in first?

When we stepped into Julie's room, she sat up with bags underneath her eyes and tiredly smiled at us

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When we stepped into Julie's room, she sat up with bags underneath her eyes and tiredly smiled at us. 

"Oh, I'm so happy that you're awake," I said and went to her to give her a small hug. "Me too," she gave me a small smile. 

We sat in a comfortable silence until my dad entered the room with his jaw visibly clenched. "What happened?" Chris asked. 

"The police want to come tomorrow and talk to Julie about the attack," Dad paused. "And the Winters," He said and gave us a knowing look. 

Julie just sat there, frowning while staring at her hands. "I don't remember anything about 'the attack'," 

"Oh, Julie," I went to sit next to her and hugged her. "It's okay. You don't have to remember anything about it," 

Time skip -1 hour later

"Um, Julie? We have to tell you something," I said, nervously picking at the skin by my nails. 

It's been a while since Julie woke up and we decided to tell her about her parents since the police and her social worker are coming tomorrow.

"Yes? W-what is it?" she sweetly asked, masking her nervousness. 

"You remember that John told you he found you abandoned next to the road?" Xav asked. "That wasn't exactly true," He admitted. 

"W-what do you mean?" she smiled. "Well, he actually kidnapped you," I looked down at my lap. 

"W-what?" she breathed out, shocked at the news we just told her. 

"Yeah, you have a family with brothers and everything and they really want to meet you. They're actually outside if you want to meet them?" Xav blurted out, excited that Julie was going to have a new loving family compared to what John was. 

"W-wow, um yeah. I-I'd love to meet them," she brightly smiled.

 I-I'd love to meet them," she brightly smiled

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Oh. My. Gosh.

I have parents who didn't abandon me. I have parents who love me. But why would John lie to me about it? Why did he kidnap me?

Before I could think any further, my room door opened. Two people, a man and a woman in their late forties stepped into my room with tears streaming down their cheeks. They look like the people in my dreams. Could they be the people in my dreams?

"Oh, my," The woman said in disbelief. She came and sat on the chair to the right of me, not taking her eyes off of me.

The man, however, didn't say a word but also didn't take his eyes off me.

"Just as beautiful as I remember," The woman said, making me blush. People don't usually compliment me so I didn't know what to say.

"Thank you," I looked at my lap.

"Oh, we should introduce ourselves," She murmured. "I am Estrella and that is Mason," She continued, wanting to hug me but quickly stopped herself.

"I-I'm Julie, but I guess you already knew that?" I smiled and she nodded, smiling back at me.

We sat in a comfortable silence, not knowing what to say to each other.

"So," Mason began. "I hear you volunteer at a vet with your friend?" He inquired.

"Yes, I-I love working with animals and h-helping them. I have ever since I could remember," I confirmed.

"Oh, then you would love living with us!" Estrella beamed with excitement. "W-why is that?" I asked, smiling at Estrella's excitement.

"We live on a farm," Mason said with a small smile. "That's so c-cool. I-I've never been on a farm before," I said excitedly.

A few hours passed with Estrella and I talking about all kinds of things, trying to get to know each other. Mason didn't talk much, but did participate now and then.

Three knocks at my door could be heard and a nurse stepped in shortly after. "I'm sorry folks, but visiting hours are over," She said and left the room.

Estrella and Mason stood up to leave the room. And being closest to Estrella so far, I pulled her in for a small hug because she clearly wasn't going to and we all said goodbye to each other.

After they left I turned off the light beside me and went to bed with a smile on my face, excited about what could happen tomorrow.

A/N ~

Hi everyone!

I wrote this chapter about 2/3 days ago and now I've finally edited it because I'm sick so this chapter might not be my best.

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