Chapter 4 Disaster?

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At this moment, the tattooed man raised his hand and looked at the goat-headed figure, saying, "Hey, referee, how do we deal with someone who uses an alias? Is it considered lying?"

The goat head neither nodded nor shook, only saying faintly, "I will no longer be involved in any of the proceedings. You only need to write down the names according to your own thoughts. Just remember, 'rules are absolute.' In the end, I will personally administer 'judgment' to the loser."

The words "judgment" resonated loudly, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"This... this proves that I'm not lying!" Sweetie exclaimed anxiously. "If I were lying, I would be dead by now, right? Even if it's an alias, my alias really is 'Sweetie'!"

No one answered her. It was now a crucial stage of life and death, and no doubts could be overlooked.

"Then it's my turn to speak," the tattooed man said reluctantly, his expression grim. "If this lady's story isn't considered a lie, then neither is mine."

"My name is Qiao Jiajin, and I live in Guangdong. I don't have a specific occupation. Before coming here, I was collecting debts."

Qiao Jiajin's Mandarin was not very good, so everyone had to listen carefully.

"People nowadays are really interesting. When borrowing money, they promise everything, but when it's time to repay, they start crying foul."

"Those brats, they curse us debt collectors as devils, as heartless."

"But that brat should also look at it from a different perspective. When he was most helpless and in need of money, I lent a hand. When no institution would lend him money, I did. To him, I'm not a devil but a savior."

"But how did he treat me, his savior?"

"He cried foul everywhere, claiming how difficult his life was, how he was cheated out of two million. He also criticized us debt collectors for being heartless, trying to solve his problems with the sympathy of his neighbors. But when he borrowed money, we signed a contract, and all the interest rates were clearly stated. Now that he can't repay, is it our problem?"

"Last night, I was planning to teach him a lesson. I took him to the rooftop of a tall building, but unexpectedly, there was an earthquake. I didn't intend to take his life, but this brat actually pulled out a knife and tried to kill me in the chaos!"

"In the midst of chaos, he pushed me off the rooftop, and I hit a billboard. I can't remember what happened next."

Everyone frowned after hearing this man's story.

Sweetie seemed to have noticed something and angrily said, "See! I told you why you're trying to shift the blame onto me! Turns out you're the liar!"

"What? What right do you have to say I'm lying?" Qiao Jiajin retorted fiercely.

"I'm in Shaanxi, you're in Guangdong!" Sweetie pointed at him. "Your story is obviously copied from mine! There was an earthquake where I was, and you also had an earthquake. I was hit by a billboard, and you somehow also hit a billboard! How is this not lying?"

"I don't care where you are. I did encounter an earthquake," the tattooed man said sternly. "If I had concealed it, that would be lying! As for the billboard, there can't be only one billboard in the whole world, right?"

"Anyway, you're lying!" Sweetie pointed at Qiao Jiajin. "Your profession itself is done by bad people, so lying is not surprising!"

"Huh, what makes your profession better than mine?"

Qixia looked at the two who were arguing intensely and felt that there was indeed something odd about this matter.

It wasn't because either of them was lying, but because he had also experienced an earthquake.

He wasn't in Shaanxi or Guangdong but in Shandong.

In this world, could there be such a wide-ranging earthquake?

This earthquake spanned half the country, involving three provinces.

If what they said was all true, wouldn't it be an unprecedented disaster?

"Stop arguing and end it soon," a burly man sitting opposite them interrupted them, then looked at the next woman. "It's your turn. If we really want to judge who's lying, let everyone finish speaking first."

After hearing this, both of them snorted coldly and fell silent.

The woman beside Qiao Jiajin timidly nodded and said, "Um... my name is Xiao Ran, and I'm a kindergarten teacher."

It seemed that this woman named Xiao Ran was quite frightened. Her voice was very soft and trembling.

"Before coming here, I was waiting with a child for his parents. Originally, it was the mother who came to pick him up, but later I heard that the mother had a serious illness, something growing in her brain, and needed surgery... So these days, the father came instead, but it seems like he often forgets to come..."

"It was already past six o'clock in the evening, and actually, I had already finished work hours ago, but I don't know why, the child's father still wasn't answering his phone..."

"I didn't know the address of the child's home, so I couldn't send him back. We could only stand at the intersection and wait."

"Actually, I had something to do that night... I had an appointment with a psychologist. I felt like I didn't really like my current job, so I hoped the psychologist could help me."

"But I didn't expect to wait for hours, and the evening appointment fell through."

"Just as I was daydreaming, the ground suddenly started shaking, and I was terrified... It took me several seconds to realize it was an earthquake..."

"The feeling of the earthquake was different from what I had heard... The earth wasn't jumping, but swaying from side to side, like I was standing on a table and someone kept shaking it..."

"I immediately hugged the child beside me, but I didn't know what to do. I saw the three towers of the Chongsheng Temple in the distance all cracking... Fortunately, we were standing on open ground."

"Then, I saw a speeding car out of control rushing towards us... I could only unsteadily hold onto the child and run to the side, but the shaking ground made me fall with every step."

"When I finally fell, I hit my head... Then I passed out, and when I woke up, I was already here."

It was a story with no highlights.

The only thing that made Qixia feel strange was the "three towers of the Chongsheng Temple."

These three towers were in Dali, Yunnan.

Qixia gently touched the cards on the table. Although he covered the three words with his hand, he knew it said "liar."

So, could there be multiple liars?

If "rules are absolute," then what the goat head just said, "there is only one liar," must be absolute.

Since he drew the "liar" card, it proved that the others couldn't be liars, and there was only one liar.

They were all telling the truth.

But these stories spanning three provinces seemed to be connected.

Not only the earthquake but

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