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Ishmal's eyes widened in shock seeing the scene waiting for her. Unaiza was half lying on the floor of the washroom with so much blood around her. Her gaze followed the heap of blood on the ground to Unaiza's limp wrist which was severely cut and the blood was still oozing out of it. She had her head fallen backward over the slab and her eyes were closed. Ishmal ran towards her and sat next to her, gripping her delicate wrist in her hand.

"Unaiza..." She whispered. "What did you do?"

Ishmal patted her cheek. Her face was sweaty and her cheeks had tear marks on them. "Unaiza, wake up!"

Ishmal's own eyes blubbered seeing her like this. She never anticipated that Unaiza would resort to an attempt at suicide. She again got up and approached the open door of the room

"Haider, please come here," she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Hearing her yells, Huzaifa was the first one to come followed by a worried Aqia and Tashfeen.

"What's wrong, Bhabi?" He asked hurriedly.

"Unaiza...she...she cut her wrist," she murmured while trying to stop her sobs.

"What?" Aqia reacted quickly while Huzaifa didn't waste a second before moving towards the washroom.

And he couldn't even believe what he saw. Unaiza was looking so lifeless right now. He reached her and grabbed her wrist.

"Unaiza, Oh God. What did you do?" He sighed before pulling his hand in front of her mouth and exhaled finding her still breathing. He didn't waste a second before hoisting her up in his arms.

"We need to get her to the hospital," he informed everyone and then dashed away as quickly as possible.

Finding Unaiza becoming so depressed and pessimistic was so strange for everyone including herself too maybe. 


She found herself too weak when she realized some awareness of her surroundings. Her whole body was aching and there was a weird feeling in her insides. She didn't know why did she tried something haram. The sorrow and recollections were killing her from the inside. The constant film that was running in the back of her mind was making her do something to erase her memory. How would the whole world would ridicule her? That she was someone who was divorced by her husband within less than twenty-four hours?

She remembered about all those times when Sarim was making a fool of her. He asked for phone calls and she accepted. He asked her to groom herself and she did it without any question. How idiot she was. Then she lived in that house and that room alone the whole night.

And then when this evening, she slept after gulping a few sleeping pills, she had a horrible nightmare about Sarim. He was laughing at her and making fun of her. Then gradually many people started to gather around him and did the same as he was doing. When she woke up, she thought she wouldn't be able to breathe. She couldn't bear the humiliation. Hence she took this significant step about wanting to take her own life.

When she opened her eyes, they were met by an anxious-looking Aqia sitting at her bedside. She rushed forward and clasped her hand.

"Iza dear, thank God you are fine," she said as tears were falling down her cheeks.

"Why did you do that?" That was her next question.

Unaiza burst into tears. "I can't tolerate this, Aqia Mama. They all will humiliate me. Just like they did when my Ammi was alive. What will happen now? Very soon, everyone will get to know that I was divorced and these papers were my wedding present."

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