Gathering Shadows: The Council of War

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Dracula's voice resonated with a commanding authority as he addressed Carmilla, his crimson eyes flashing with an intensity that brooked no argument. "This is not your domain, Carmilla. It is mine," he stated firmly, his words carrying the weight of centuries of rulership.

Carmilla's expression darkened, her eyes narrowing as she met Dracula's unwavering gaze. "Forgive me, my lord, but the threat we face does not discriminate based on ownership. It endangers us all," she retorted, her voice tinged with defiance.

Dracula's jaw tensed with frustration, but beneath his stern exterior, a flicker of concern betrayed his stoic facade. He knew that Carmilla spoke the truth, and the realization only fueled his determination to protect what was his.

Turning his attention to Hector, who stood by his side with a quiet resolve, Dracula nodded in acknowledgment. "Prepare our defenses," he instructed, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the corridor.

Hector nodded in silent affirmation, his features a mask of determination as he set about rallying the castle's forces to face the impending threat. The Devil Forgemaster's loyalty to Dracula was unwavering, his skills honed by years of solitary existence in the shadows.

As the castle braced itself for the looming confrontation, Dracula and Carmilla exchanged a final glance, their eyes locking in a silent battle of wills. Though their alliance was tenuous at best, they both understood the gravity of the situation that now faced them.

With a sense of grim resolve, Dracula led the way forward, his every step echoing with the weight of his responsibility as the lord of the night. The castle's ancient walls seemed to pulse with anticipation, as if preparing to bear witness to a clash of titanic forces that would shape the course of their dark world.

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