Discipline Amidst Desires: A Clash of Emotions

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The sharp crack of Dracula's hand meeting Carmilla's cheek echoed across the battlefield, sending shockwaves through the assembled onlookers. Carmilla staggered backward, her hand flying to her stinging cheek as she recoiled from the force of the blow.

Her eyes blazed with a mixture of fury and humiliation as she glared at Dracula, but his gaze remained unyielding, his expression a mask of steely resolve. With a voice as cold as ice, he delivered his admonishment.

"Don't ever say that again," Dracula commanded, his tone cutting through the tension like a blade. "That should have taught you a lesson. As I've said, I will discipline anyone, even by slapping a woman, to put them in their place."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the power he wielded and the consequences of crossing him. Though his actions were fueled by anger and frustration, there was a sense of righteousness in his discipline, a belief in maintaining order amidst the chaos of their world.

Carmilla, though seething with indignation, dared not challenge Dracula further. With a venomous glare, she retreated from his presence, nursing both her wounded pride and her bruised cheek.

As the tension slowly dissipated, Dracula turned his attention back to Hector, his conflicted emotions churning beneath the surface. The memory of his late wife lingered in his heart, a beacon of love and loss that haunted his every step. And yet, in Hector's presence, there was a flicker of something new, something he couldn't quite explain but couldn't ignore.

With a heavy sigh, Dracula prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that the battlefield was not only a physical one but also a battleground of emotions, desires, and the complexities of the human heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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