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The news came to Lisa while she was in the middle of a meeting with the President of the United States.

Three sentences that instantly managed to turn the blood in her body ice cold.

Roseanne has been attacked. She's alive. But in hospital.

She'd had no qualms on walking out on one of the most powerful men in the world. Nothing mattered to Lisa as much as the safety of her ex-wife. Though their marriage had ended three years earlier, Lisa had vowed to protect Roseanne for the rest of her life.

The idea that Roseanne'd been hurt now because she had once been Mrs Lisa Manoban filled her mouth with a metallic taste. It was fury, and it was adrenalin.

Lisa'd had no business marrying her. Someone like Roseanne Park didn't belong in Lisa's world. With her sweet smile and naïve outlook on life, Roseanne'd stood out like a wildly growing rose in the middle of a manicured lawn.

And yet, Lisa'd wanted Roseanne.

Roseanne'd been twenty-two and Lisa a cynical, wealthy twenty eight year old. Lisa'd been used to getting what she wanted and had seen no reason that Roseanne should be any different. Lisa'd sought Roseanne out, because their secret past had demanded it of her, but Lisa'd never told Roseanne that. Instead, Lisa'd overpowered Roseanne with love and desire, and she'd proposed.

If she'd known that marrying Roseanne would rob her of her sweet smile and naïve outlook, might Lisa have reconsidered?

Lisa'd never know the answer to that. That called for speculation, and Lisa dealt with fact. All she knew for sure was that she had been selfish enough to take Roseanne as her wife without properly preparing her for what lay in store. A twenty two year old virgin, who'd grown up without much love or affection, had been powerless to resist the full charms of Lisa Manoban. Lisa'd promised Roseanne the world, and very quickly disappointed her. For that one year, Roseanne'd tried. Lisa saw now, with hindsight and a greater understanding of what life had been like for Roseanne, how hard Roseanne'd tried. And how much that trying had cost her.

As her private jet cruised along the tarmac at London's City airport, Lisa swore one thing.

Roseanne must be made safe, at all costs.

Roseanne was no longer her wife, but she would always, until her dying breath, be Lisa's responsibility.

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