Hell Above

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I looked into the window. You gotta be f***ing kidding. Tom was making out with what's her face...Aliyah. Poor girl. She's just one of his little h*es and she thinks he actually likes her. Hah. I'll make sure she knows he doesn't.


"Tom" I looked up at him. "Hm.." "It's late...and we have practice tomorrow." He looked at me. "Do you want to go to sleep?" he asked. I nodded. I started to get up when he stopped me. I looked at him confused until I felt hands grab me. He picked me up bridal style and started walking upstairs.

I snuggled my head into his chest as he opened his door. He softly placed me on his bed and layed down next to me. I cuddled him and he softly kissed my forehead. I felt so safe. The warmth I felt around him was the only warmth I needed to survive.

—Next day—

I got up and looked at what time it was. 9:45. F**k. "Tom. TOM WAKE UP!" I yelled. "HUH WHAT THE HELL?!" he yelled as he startled awake. "It's 9:45. We gotta leave in ten minutes." He looked at me with wide eyes. "TEN MINUTES?!" I rolled my eyes. What was he, deaf? I walked into his bathroom and quickly washed my face and brushed my hair.

I grabbed a black top, grey jeans, a black purse and my adidas. I walked out of the bathroom just to see Tom standing in his closet.

"I don't know what to wear.." he said. "Move." I demanded. I pushed my way past him and looked in his closet as he sat down watching me. Woah. We have pretty similar clothes. "Wanna match?" I asked.

"Sure." he answered.

I grabbed one of his black, over-sized t-shirts, and then the same pants and shoes. I was surprised he had them. I grabbed him a cap and got my necklaces and handed him one.

  I grabbed him a cap and got my necklaces and handed him one

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(this 😻😻)

"Get changed. I'll grab the guitars." I walked out the room and to the practice room in a hurry.

I grabbed his guitar and as I was grabbing mine I noticed something was written on the case in red. Sl*t. What the actual f**k. I stood there, stunned.

"Ali you ready-..You okay?" he asked as he walked up beside me. "What the f**k. Did you write that?" he asked. I looked up at him annoyed. He stepped back knowing he just asked a stupid question.

I sighed. I don't have time for this. I grabbed my lipstick from my pocket and wrote it all over the case (the first sl*t was written in lipstick too). Fun. At least now it looked intentional.

Tom looked a little confused. I grabbed my guitar and handed him his. I put my arm in his as we walked to the car. Bill looked back at us a little confused as we entered the back. I was on the left, Tom in the middle, Gustav on the right. Georg started driving as Bill took out his phone.

I put my legs on Tom's lap, my back on the door. I took out my phone when I got a message from Bill.

aliyah. What the actual f*k. AM I SEEING THIS RIGHT?!

I gasped. "WHAT THE F-" oops. "What?! Are you okay??" Tom asked. I looked at Tom before averting my eyes to Bill's gaze. I bursted out laughing and Bill did too. I couldn't stop. This went on for at least three minutes while the other boys looked at us confused (Georg was focused on the road at the same time).

"Holy f***." I said. "So...." Bill said. "NO OH MY GOSH." I yelled at him. "Ali please...I'm barely awake." Tom said softly. "Oh sorry." I apologized and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Now I'm awake," he said. I chuckled.

"Wait... are you guys..like...dating?" Gustav asked. I looked out the window, my face red. "Not yet." Tom said. I knew he was grinning but I didn't look back at him. At thi point I as as red as a tomato.

We finally arrived at the practice place and I pulled out my guitar. "What the..." all three boys said at the same time. "Don't ask." We walked past the paparazzi and into the building.

"Perfect timing! I actually have a surprise for you guys." the manager said. We put down our instruments and turned to him. "Okay so, I wanted to see something. I brought in a singer! She's not part of the band, but for right now her, Bill and Aliyah will be singing together. Welcome...Jaylin!" he said. Jaylin walked into the room with a smile on her face.

I turned to Tom, my eyes wide, matching his. Bill looked at us the same way. Shocked and partially angry. Georg and Gustav didn't care, they were just a little confused.
Jaylin turned to me. She looked at me with a devilish grin. I gulped. I wasn't scared of her, she was just a mad b****. She thought she was gonna take over me. I grinned back at her and she looked a little startled. She obviously lacked common sense.

"Okay guys. We're gonna warm up with a different song. Do you all know 'Hell Above'?" he asked, and we all nodded. I grabbed my guitar out of its case as Jaylin looked at it annoyed and confused.

We all got in position and me,Tom and Georg started with the guitar as Gustav started drumming. Bill started singing and I focused on playing the correct notes. Me and Jaylin joined in at the chorus.

As much as I hated her she had a great singing voice. As I was singing I looked over at Tom. He was already looking at me. He looked at me with love in his eyes, and like he was surprised.

I turned back around and focused on singing and playing the correct notes.

"Cause this is- AOH WHAT THE F–" Bill yelled before he fell to the ground. "Oh my gosh are you okay?!" Jaylin asked as she ran up to him.

"I'm so so sorry, oh my gosh I t-tripped!" Jaylin stuttered. I looked at Tom, and we gave each other a suspicious look. I turned back to Bill and made sure he's okay.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I fell on my throat though. I can't sing anymore today." he said softly. "Yes oh my gosh rest." I said quickly. He got up and walked to the couch. "I'm so sorry!!!" Jaylin yelled. No you're not. The manager started speaking. "Alright, let's get started again. Aliyah and Jaylin, you two will be singing now." We both nodded and got into position.

"We'll start with 'Automatic'. Begin whenever you're ready." I looked at Tom and Georg. We started playing and I started singing. Jaylin looked a little angry as she joined in the chorus.

Holy sh**. It wasn't an accident. She wanted to push Bill so she could be the lead singer. Well, I am so there's no difference...oh. I quickly looked at Jaylin and moved out the way as she "tripped". She yelped before falling on the ground, her fist hitting her throat.

"F**K!" she yelled. I suppressed my laughter and kneeled next to her. "oh no..! are you okay....!" I asked her, not sounding genuine at all.

She glared at me as Georg and Gustav helped her up. I looked behind me just to see Tom trying his hardest not to laugh.

"You know what...let's take a quick break." the manager said. We put our stuff down and walked to the couch that Bill and Jaylin were sitting on. I sat next to Bill, Tom next to me, and Jaylin next to him. "Tom...my throat hurts." she whimpered.

"Whomp whomp." he said quickly as he grabbed my legs and put them on top of his lap. My jaw dropped and I laughed softly. I leaned my head on Bill's shoulder as I made eye contact with Tom. I started turning red, but so did he. He was so cute.

GUYS I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RELEASE THIS SCHOOL SUCKS. PARTS OF THIS CHAPTER ARE INSPIRED BY 'Let Me Love You' IT'S SO GOOD YOU SHOULD READ IT. Guys...do I write smut...? And if you have any questions or something my insta is s4mmy.xoxoxo (it's private but you can still message me). LOVE YOUSSSS!!

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