My Past

36 1 14

I looked at him uneasily.  "Alright..."   We walked over to my motorcycle.  He hopped on into the drivers area and I hopped on behind him.  We put our helmets on as he turned on the engine.  I wrapped my arms around his waist, the feeling of my hands gliding on the smooth leather of his jacket.  I placed my head on his back, closing my eyes as I did so.

He sped down the streets leading up to his house, it being pitch black outside, I almost fell asleep.  I picked my head up as he began to slow down and turn into the driveway.  "Ali, get up please."  I stepped off the bike and removed the helmet from my head.   He locked the door behind him as we walked inside.

"You said you wanted to talk?"  I turned to face him, my eyes meeting his.  He nodded and gently grabbed my hand.  He led me up to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.  He stayed standing up, meanwhile I sat dwn criss-cross applesauce on his bed.  He looked at me, a sad, confused look on his face.  I started to worry.  "I got a message today, from someone online."  I looked at him confused.  What does this have to do with me?  "Is it another fangirl being jealous of me?  It's not like we're even dating."  Yet.  That hurt to say, and by the look on Tom's face it hurt just as much for him to hear.

"No, Aliyah.  This is serious."  He seemed angry, as he raised his voice a little.  I looked at him worried.  He winced and brought his hand to his face.  "Are you a murderer?!"  He was yelling.  My eyes widened in shock, my heart dropped.  I was brought back to a place I never wanted to go back to.  Suddenly, I was five and my dad was yelling at me.  I was sobbing, cradling myself on the floor as he continuously yelled in my ear that he hated me, and how I was a failure.  As I was brought back into reality, tears were spilling from my eyes. 

Tom didn't move, he just stood there and watched me.   "What..?"  He dropped his shoulders and started talking softly.  "Aliayh Schulz, have you murdered?"  My eyes darted to meet his.  I started hyperventilating.  My hands and legs were shaking as tears rolled down my face like water falling from a waterfall.  " not...know...what THE F_  YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!"  I shouted at him this time, anger boiling in my stomach.  "So you have?!"  He shouted too.  "You know why, I killed Tom?  You wanna know why?  Mayeb because I WAS F_ RAPED YOU PIECE OF S_!  THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD F_ ESCAPE.  I WANTED TO LEAVE MY PAST IN MY PAST, HENCE THE REASON WHY I CHANGED MY LAST NAME.  THAT'S A PART OF ME THAT I WANTED TO BE GONE FOREVER.  DON'T JUST ASSUME I DID SOME HORRIBLE THING LIKE THAT.  HOW F_ DARE YOU."  I yelled my heart out.  I'm  done now.  At this point I was standing up, my legs shaking beneath my weight.  He stared at me, shock all over his face, mixed with sadness and regret.  "I've played this game before, Tom.  Why do you think I had my gun on hand, huh?"  I am just disappointed now.  "I-...I'm so sorry Aliyah.  For both what happedned and for assuming and bringing up your past.  I shouldn't have approached the situation like this."  I took a deep breath and cooled down.  After about a few minutes I calmed down.  "It's okay, it's understandable."  That's when I remembered what he said. 

I was silent for a few minutes, but not because I was mad.  "Who messaged you?"  "I dob't know, some random girl.  I blocked her though."  "Can I see your phone," I asked.  He nodded as he took out his phone and handed it to me.  I scrolled through his blocked list until I stumbled upon a familiar name.  I clicked on their profile and looked through their messages with Tom.  Man.  She really thought that he'd pick her.  "That f_ B_."  "What?  Who is it?"  I looked up at him.  "Eve.  My ex-bestfriend."  I paused for a second.  "Don't you kill people all the time?????"  He looked at me like *Oop..*  I rolled my eyes and laughed.  He laughed too.  I handed him his phone and he put it in his pocket. 

We locked eyes, looking at each other.  He moved closer to me and put his hands on my waist.  We were so close that I could feel his breath on my skin.  He leaned closer to me, his lips meeting mine.  We both started to get more aggressive, and he started walking towards the bed.  He pushed me so that I was laying on my back.  We continued to kiss, harder and harder.

(You guys imagine the you!!!)

Hidden Love-Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now