Chapter 11: Rallying Against

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We couldn't afford to waste time.
Using Travers' enchanted plate, we retrieved both Marvin's MKB and his uniform. He hastily donned both as we flew to keep up with the rest of our squadron.
"Do we have a plan?" Marvin asked, shouting over the wind.
"Yeah!" McManus said as he checked and charged his Bren. "Stop Goldman and Darkstalker from killing everybody!"
"That doesn't sound like much of a plan!" Travers exclaimed.
"You got a better idea?" McManus retorted. "We'll be best suited against infantry and tanks! The dragons will slog it out in the air. Goldman likely will send his ground forces against Jade Mountain!"
"But we don't have any anti-tank weapons!" Travers exclaimed.
"Yeah we do! We all got black tip rounds! So long as we get within 100 yards of those tanks and hit them square on the button, they should be able to slip right through!"
"You said should!" Marvin said. "How can we be sure?"
"We can't!" McManus deftly said. "Guess that means you'll have to get even closer! Use gamnmons if you have to!"
"That sounds like a death sentence!" Travers stated.
"Says the two bastards that made themselves invincible!" McManus spat. "Besides, if the Japs are anything like the Jerries, their armor ain't worth shit!"
"That aligns with the armor threat reports!" Marvin chimed in. Their tanks are only armored enough to stop basic anti-tank rounds from far off. They're built to the minimum, with cheap materials. If McManus is right, we just need to get close enough with armor-piercing rounds to knock them out!
I shivered, seeing glimpses of the deadly battle to take place. All three of our soldiers were veterans, they knew what was to come.
I kept scanning, trying to push those bloody thoughts out of my head. We had mostly left the desert by now. I respected Kinkajou, Anemone, and Turtle for flying straight on through without more than quiet groans. The rest of us were rated for such a journey, us NightWings were well suited for long-haul flights, even despite our color in the desert. My previous experiences only served to aid me, and Moon was no stranger to long flights herself. Winter admittedly started to look like he was wilting about halfway through. For his first real time charging through the desert, he was handling it strikingly well for an IceWing. And of course, nothing could be said about our SandWings. Qibli was one of the only members of The Jade Winglet who was not fatigued, alongside Carnelian who was doing more gliding on updrafts than actual powered flight. And of course, Vaquero's flight flew in formation across from me, with Sora and Umber also remaining close between our formations. As much as I would like to believe 15 dragons and 3 Airborne a force to be reckoned with, we were flying into one of the largest battles we would ever take a part of. And... and I wasn't sure of the outcome.
Moon's visions of Jade Mountain flashed in double time, images of fire and explosions and the avalanche. I could pick out the little camouflaged tanks blasting away towards Jade Mountain, waves of soldiers charging up the grade. Hundreds of shapes in the sky, intermingling in a violent dance of survival. It ... was going to be a horrible fight.
Yet all of us flew in solemn silence, unwilling to risk saying something worse than the enemy.
I swallowed the lump growing in my throat. Looking over, I saw Qibli flying, deep in thought. I had a feeling he was trying to imagine what the coming engagement would look like. There was no point keeping the Japanese military might a secret, and I think Qibli was one of the handful of dragons who understood what McManus and Marvin were saying.
But as the desert began to fade back into the forest, the dreaded cry went out.
The paralyzing fear nearly made me freeze midair, as I felt weapons swing arround to face the threats. Vaquero's flight split off, prepared to meet the engaging dragons.
"How many?" McManus yelled.
"Fifteen!" Travers yelled.
"I see Japs!" Marvin also cried out.
What more than a shaky breath escaped me? We were easily outnumbered by a full squadron of enemy dragons, flying unnaturally fast, also carrying soldiers with rifles?
"No!" Suddenly Winter lashed out in front of me, flying as fast as he could after the squadron leaving us behind.
They didn't attack, even when they closed within rifle range of us. We were visible, sitting ducks!
That was a recon mission!
I felt the rest of us come to the same conclusion.
"Holy shit." Vaquero's reaction nearly cast me out of the sky.
"They were carrying something." Travers swept his rifle sling under his shoulder. "Three dragons were holding something."
"It looked like scrolls." Marvin put down his binoculars. "Loose leaf paper, or something."
"That's one way to gather intelligence." McManus growled. Nightwings with enchanted speed, overwhelming numbers. And our scouting forces usualy didn't go higher than ten. Lightning fast, even if we were equally manuverable, that's not how dogfights work. That group alone could easily take us all down.
I shivered. The proportions of the upcoming battle were already not on our side. And to think already we were seeing just a fraction of the magic'd forces we would innevitably have to face... That familiar sinking feeling of dread was rapidly returning.
But then I felt a warm hand on the back of my neck.
"You're okay, Grace." Marvin tried to comfort me.
Empathy was as much a curse as it was a gift in that moment. I knew Marvin was telling the truth at face value, but I also knew he was just as afraid as I was. Everyone else was just as afraid as he was. And yet... he still tried to comfort me.
In that moment, I took a shaky breath, to soothe my burning lungs. I had been holding my breath since the call went out, still flying.
By the time Winter fell back in with us, the valley was beginning to look familiar. In dusk's dying moments, the warm red silhouetteing the mountains. The red symbolizing all the bloodshed that was about to befall on Suny's bastion of hope. Hope that we were here to defend.
Even though we all knew what was about to happen, Marvin managed to let out as relaxed a sigh as he could. The only person who managed to set aside his nervousness for a few moments to enjoy the scenery unfolding before him. He was one to admire things were he could, because if recent events weren't more proof, you never know when this might be the last time you'll get to appreciate the peace you have.
But then a couple more NightWings appeared over the horizon. Marvin spotted them first, and even with super speed, we were ready for the scouts. But they didn't even bat an eye, flying low and fast, using the terrain as concealment as they flew hard south.
I heard McManus sigh. "I'm tired of these damn scouts. Next one I see, I'm lighting up."
Nobody could disagree with him.
But as we crested over the last range into the valley leading up to Jade Mountain, I was suddenly dazzled by sunlight reflecting right at us!
"Contact! 800! Front! IceWings!"
"Lots of them!"
McManus and Travers yelled out.
I shivered, along with Marvin.
The hill overlooking the Acadamy, where we first saw Moon, where we first realized we were stalwarts of time; were tons of IceWings, looking as if that little mountain was covered in snow. A flurry spawned at that one place just to dust that one hilltop.
"That's a whole Goddamn army." Marvin brought his binoculars down in awe. "At least... at least fifty."
"Holy shit." Travers mumbled.
"We're in for it now." Vaquero said as he swooped close behind me.
I looked back at our meeger two flights. 15 dragons, three Airborne. The numbers weren't adding up.
The anxiety growing in my chest again, like a vice being screwed down on my heart and lungs. I had to fight myself to keep breathing, forcing my lungs to take breath after breath to stay airborne. Even with Marvin and McManus joining in to try and comfort me, there was nothing that could be done about the pure fact we were severely outnumbered, outgunned, and outplanned.
"SandWings!" A cry went up. I can't remember who.
But as the Acadamy itself came into clearer view, I sware it was like Sunny had almost the entire entrance covered with sand to make walking a little easier on the claws. A SandWing army, easily the size of the IceWing one, staged close by the entrance of The Great Hall, all standing proudly with spears in hand. Thorn's Quick Reaction Force.
"They made it!" Vaquero excclaimed. "Talons and teeth, they made it!"
"Yeah!" Vaquero's flight cheered. "Now we're ready to kick some NightWing tail!" "Whoooo!"
I chuckled, knowing they didn't mean me and Moon. But 1st Squad wasn't being caught up in the celebration.
"Do we have eyes on those scouts?" Marvin called back.
"No, sir!" "Not since they last passed by!"
I felt Marvin let out a long exhale. What is the range on our enchanted scopes? They could be anywhere, especially if Goldman or Darkstalker enchanted them to be hidden from view. I don't like this, not one bit.
I followed the Jade Winglet down towards the entrance of The Great Hall. I already spotted out Suny, Clay, Starflight, and Peril blocking the entrance from three IceWings trying to enter the Acadamy. Three SandWings also stood next to the founders, putting a further obstacle against the IceWings clearly wanting to get inside very badly.
"Friends of yours?" I heard Qibli ask Winter. "No, worse ... relatives?"
I gulped.
"My father, Narwhal," Winter hissed, pointing to the right hand dragon. "My cousin, Snowfall, the new queen. And you remember my brother, Halestorm."
Marvin grit his teeth, I did too. I'm not sure out of frustration or nervousness.
Winter took a long breath and sighed. The flurry curled around his snout before fading into the warmer air.
"They think Suny and Starflight know where the new Night Kingdom is," Moon added.
I gulped "They do know." We told them!
I met Vaquero's concerned look. Thorn knows as well. The only ones who don't know are the icicle lickers over there.
"Can you hear their thoughts?" Qibli asked Moon.
Both me and Marvin tried, but at this range, over the wind noise, there was nothing.
Moon shook her head. "The skyfire blocks my mindreading when I'm holding it."
Oh right. Marvin smacked his helmet.
"But I can tell from the way they're shouting at them."
She was right. Narwhal and Snowfall were both brandishing, wings splayed, spiked tails lashing, as we could hear them from 200 yards and closing fast.
"Let's go pay them a visit." McManus said.
We all swooped down, landing nearby. I had to divert to have enough space, but I was close enough to hear a joyful cry.
"Sora! Umber!"
Out the corner of my eye, I saw the ball of MudWing embrace. But by the time the dust settled from my wingblast, I suddenly found four IceWings pointing spears at us!
"Surrender, Darkstalker!" The leading one yelled, trembling.
"Put your spears down!" "She's not Darkstalker!" My soldiers slid down from my back, guns at the ready.
I took a shaky inhale. The anger and rage emanating from them, towards me!
"Watch her." "Fire." Two IceWings began to flank me.
"Don't hurt her!"
Suddenly Sora and Umber came up from either side. Even though the IceWings were bigger and armed, Sora swallowed down her terror and stood strong, as did Umber.
The leading IceWing looked over my entourage, perplexed. "You mind-control MudWings too?"
"And SandWings."
Vaquero's flight pushed themselves between us and the hostile IceWings. Now they really were outnumbered.
Vaquero splayed his wings, covering all of us behind him. "On my honor, as a proud member of the Outclaws, beheld only to Queen Thorn herself, Gracebringer is not Darkstalker."
I recoiled back with a shaky breath. I could see in Vaquero that he truly believed that. His loyalty... he threw himself in front of us, in front of the enemy. This wasn't just because he was doing his job anymore as a guardsman in the Kingdom of Sand. I shivered. He's protecting me. He's putting himself in danger ... only for me.
The teamleader stuttered taking a few steps back. This... this can't be. He wouldn't have MudWings, SandWings, and strange Scavengers on his side. This... this isnt right!
Then a tail lashed against me, spotting Sierra tapping the right IceWing soldier's spear. "Come on, white-snout. You too afraid of a dragoness showing you how to use a spear properly?"
Vaquero lowered his head, bracing himself for whatever the leader decided to do. My soldiers taking aim, the other dragons lowering to meet their pounce. I... I could only take a shaky breath. I could only hurt somebody.
The IceWing stuttered, then clenched his jaw, bearing his teeth. I closed my eyes, bracing for the order that would force bloodshed.
"WAIT!" The familiar voice of Queen Thorn's roar echoed arround the mountains.
I opened my eyes. Vaquero's flight were all bowing, even Sora and Umber were bowing, 1st Section was saluting, all except Vaquero still covering us meeting the enemy.
"Queen Thorn." Vaquero deftly said, not shifting from his staredown. "What took you so long?"
I saw her snort smoke. "I should be asking you, Vaquero."
Thorn brushed my feet with her tail, careful not to nick and poison me. "Why are you threatening one of my closest advisors?" She looked down at my soldiers. "Marvin. In the scales."
"Queen Thorn." Marvin nodded, taking down his salute.
She walked up to Vaquero, stepping over his wing barrier. "I suggest you snow-snorters learn to look before you attack any old NightWing. Darkstalker obviously doesn't wear a chain around his neck and bags on his sides."
I shivered. Feeling the weight of the duffels, and the coolness of the black metal crucifix hanging near my chest.
Only now did the IceWing guards fall back, letting their spears lean at rest. They regrouped.
"There we go." Thorn smiled.
"How hard was that?" Vaquero added, folding in his wings and also holding up his spear. He finally turned to bow to Thorn.
She sighed, nodding, before turning to me. "I figured you would show up soon. You are always where the action is, Grace."
I whined. "Not by choice."
I trailed after her when she motioned me to follow. Thorn led me to the tense IceWing family reunion in progress. Winter already stood before them.
"What — but —" Narwhal turned around to look at Hailstorm, as though expecting his other son to have vanished. Even though my experience being a father came from Marvin, that is not how a loving father would have reacted.
Halestorm too was petrified. His mind trapped in a spiral of all the consequences, anguished, and yet a tiny bit relieved to see his brother. As much as Halestorm loved his family, he loved his brother equally as much. Halestorm was divided across two of the same side, three... He was still shaking off Pyrite.
"You're dead," Snowfall exclaimed. Her tail swished back and forth in utter confusion. "You totally died."
Winter splayed his wings. "Not totally, I'm afraid."
"This is awkward," said Qibli. I managed to smirk this time. "But we don't have time for epic family sagas right now. The NightWing army is on its way here."
And that was the fastest way to bring everyone up to speed, and also the worst for a group of scared and armed ... soldiers with the mindset of civilians.
"WHAT?" Narwhal and Snowfall roared simultaneously.
"Oh no," Sunny gasped, turning toward the school, her mind reeling at the thought. She knew, she knew what could happen. She wanted to stop this battle, stop the war. She... she could see the destruction that was to come.
"Great!" said Peril. "Now you can go be idiots at each other and leave the rest of us alone!"
"Jesus Christ, Peril! If we split up now, we'll be easy pickings!" McManus exclaimed. "We have the advantage of defense!"
Then Travers bonked on McManus' helmet with his rifle. "That's not what she meant! And you tell me to pay attention!"
Starflight took a few nervous steps towards the Great Hall, paused, then crouched. He gripped the granite with his claws as tight as he could, as though he was trying to avoid being blown away by an intense wind. He was already beginning to imagine dragons clashing in the sky, agonizing roars, blood... and the distinct lack of gunfire.
"How much time do we have?" asked Clay.
"Hours?" Marvin answered truthfully.
"Enough time to get the IceWing army away from here?" Clay looked down at him.
Marvin swallowed.
"We're not going anywhere," Snowfall declared. "We're ready to fight them!"
"No you're not." Thorn added, Vaquero standing with her. "We fought them before. We're more closely matched than I'd like to admit."
Snowfall clenched her jaw.
"Enough time to evacuate the school?" Sunny asked Marvin.
"It'll be a fighting withdrawal." I sighed.
Sunny nodded, taking a step closer, looking over all of us, before looking Qibli directly into his eyes.
"I hope —"
Qibli started, but before he could finish, a sinking feeling came over me and Marvin. All of 1st Section reacted, as alarm bells went off in everyone's minds.
Us three turned to the forest beside us, where three, black, silhouettes burst from the brush, shot through the air, razer sharp claws outstretched.
"NOOOOO!" I heard a scream.
As NightWings ambushed the queen of the IceWings.

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