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LEADER: NECTARSTAR - a long-furred, muscular gold tom with yellow eyes

DEPUTY: HONEYPOOL - a gold tom with warm green eyes

MEDICINE CAT(S): MISTYSONG - a silver tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

WARRIORS: DOEBLAZE - a broad-shouldered dark ginger-and-cream tom with amber eyes

SWEETBERRY - a pretty cream she-cat with green eyes

ROOTSPECKLE - a fluffy calico she-cat with green eyes

FALLOWBRIAR - a large ginger she-cat with white paws and dark amber eyes


LARCHTAIL - a white tom with black splotches and sky-blue eyes


SEEDFALL - a pale gold she-cat with moss-green eyes

HOLLYMOON - a muscular black she-cat with green eyes

TURTLECREEK - a fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

CLOVERHEART - a fluffy gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes

BUZZARDTUFT - a lanky pale brown tom with a white chest and amber eyes


VIXENHEART - a small tortoiseshell-and-cream she-cat with leaf-green eyes

FLAMESHADE - a ginger tabby tom with dark green eyes


IVYPELT - a pretty white she-cat with dark yellow eyes

WRENCRY - a pale gray tabby tom with a white belly and blue eyes

BRIGHTCLOUD - a calico she-cat with bright green eyes


SMOKELIGHT - a silver tom with yellow eyes

RUNNINGSKY - a brown-and-cream tom with amber eyes

PALEFANG - a light cream she-cat with darker dapples and light amber eyes


APPRENTICES: STORMPAW - a silver she-cat with green eyes

DEWPAW - a sleek silver she-cat with bright yellow eyes

ECHOPAW - a light silver she-cat with yellow eyes

BEECHPAW - a black she-cat with silver dapples and bright green eyes

LYNXPAW - a pale silver tom with a bobbed tail and green eyes

HAZELPAW - a tortoiseshell she-cat with dark green eyes

QUEENS: RAVENWHISKER - a black-and-white she-cat with amber eyes

    (Mother to Wrencry's kits; Ryekit and Lizardkit)

CHERRYFERN - a pretty ginger-and-cream she-cat with white paws and pale blue eyes

    (Expecting Runningsky's kits)

AQUA - a blue-gray she-cat with white paws and dark blue eyes

    (Mother to Puddle's kits; Puddlekit, Raccoonkit, and Willowkit)

KITS: RYEKIT - a pale gray-and-white she-kit with amber eyes

Warriors: Shadows in the Light - The Shattered Oath [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now