Chapter 8: Rememberance

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Player's PoV

Sans and I walked upon the Gravely path. I didn't know exactly to where but by the looks of how the shadow of Mount Ebott seemed to cast its ominous glow upon the forest, I knew exactly where we were headed. I thought I would be happy to head back to the underground. However, based on how sans was walking and the ominous, but admittedly, Whimsical feeling of the mist that surrounds us, I couldn't be certain that this would be a time of rejoicing a memory, that of the pacifist route, but of something else.

We walked in silence and I was left to my thoughts. About why so much seemed strange. I noticed before but sans and Frisk, they don't seem all too friendly. The others, Toriel and Papyrus, seem mostly unaware. I mean they hid it well but this didn't seem at all right. During my pacifist run, they should be friends having ended the countless timelines and attrocities that flowey had committed. and the most important question, why can't I remember my name.

"so do you know why I brought you out here today? to the shadow of ebott?" san's voice broke me away from my thoughts.

"Because it was, and is, a beautiful morning?" My voice betrayed a nervousness I couldn't quite understand where it was coming from.

sans merely shook his head and sighed. I could see how his smile almost seemed to falter despite the fact he had a perminent grin upon his face. He only shook his head and we continued on our way up the narrow but safe path to the mouth of a cave. The world almost seemed cold now despite it being early June, as was told to me by Toriel.

" you recognize this cave" sans gestured to the cave and it brought a small smile to my face.

"This cave leads to the castle right?"

sans nodded. "it's mostly in disrepair now. once all the monsters truly left massive cave-ins began occuring all fell except for some reason-"

"Waterfall right?" I interrupted.

"that's correct, the echo flower roots made the walls more resilient."

sans sighed. "but that's not why I brought you here." sans turned to me with that signature serious mode face on me (lol) and he handed me something a thin piece of filliment. a photo. It had everyone on it had all their faces x out in red. I froze. I had never done that route before not even the neutral version of it. However, it was the only way to explain such a thing. Someone did the Genocide Route.

sans looked at me with a comforting gaze. " you know at least an aspect of what has happened here."

I can't speak. The words brushed my tounge only to be swallowed back up into chokes of an emerging sob. Frisk, that child...that good sweet child I guided throughout the pacifist route...who I helped save the world, had done these attrocities. All I could even croak out in a silent panic was " many..?"

sans looked away probably not wishing to see me breaking down. "this isn't your fault..."

I gripped onto san's coat. "How many times?"

sans looked back at me. I could see his black eyes and pupils of pearlesant white try its damnedest not to look me in the eyes as he finally spoke "It takes 7 hours to complete a single full three routes on were gone for seven years."

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