^^Chapter 3: Shadepaw's Secret^^

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  Curiously, I followed after him without his consent. 

   I didn't know what I was doing this for, I always wanted to be the first one to find out the mysteries. I liked the feeling of being respected, and not to be underestimated. I didn't like the feeling of not knowing anything, like not knowing who my parents were. I didn't want to leave any mysteries unsolved; like two kits,  wondering how to survive without anyone looking out for them.

   I often felt Graystorm handled the pain easier than I did.

    My paw steps were silent as I hid behind a bush in case he turned around. I watched the tom enter the territory. His pelt was bristling with anxiety.

    Shadepaw? Scared? Doesn't ring a bell. I thought to myself. I watched him plunge through the bracken, he seemed to be in a rush. I moved quicker by some leafy bushes. A scent mingled in the air, only a warrior would know what type of prey it is — because of their ability to hunt and fight but I could recognize the sweet scent of raspberry leaves faster than any hunter in EmberClan—  Shadepaw lifted his muzzle to taste the air, hunting at midnight? I pondered to myself. 

       The dark tabby warrior apprentice spotted some rabbit dung under a bush. Shadepaw's ears perked up, telling me that he'd found a scent. It didn't look like anything suspicious, but I still followed him, why would he hunt at night for no reason? Shadepaw always had a reason to do things, even if they sounded crazy.  I followed him slowly, if I made a sound, not only would the rabbit hear it, but Shadepaw too. I watched him crouch down and move toward the prey slowly. He stopped for a moment and then sprung in the air. The rabbit tried to escape, but it was no match for a cat. Shadepaw sunk his teeth into the rabbits neck and whispered something I struggled to hear. He looked at his catch and had a look of melancholy in his eyes.

     He should be proud of that big catch!  I thought. The tom didn't eat his prey though, he picked it up and padded on.

     He swept past trees to a reveal a clearing of cats of all ages. I wondered if he'd found a new clan, but he had seemed so loyal to his clan. I watched as young cats — no older than me — fought, slashing vigorously at each other's pelts. Why would Shadepaw choose to come here? This would have been my worst fear. Above them looked like a leader, with shining amber eyes. He watched them, and it looked like he enjoyed it. Some of these cats were kits, and they had to fight. When I was a kit, it was all playing hide-and-seek and mossball. I would have never imagined— whatever this was.   

     I followed Shadepaw, I managed to dodge crinkly leaves that could make a sound. He entered the clearing. I kept following him, hoping no one saw me. I acted like I'd been here before. This hollow wasn't bright and colorful like the EmberClan camp, I was dark and cobwebs masked the perimeter. And they had a high ledge instead of the Hightree Silverstar would perch on. A kit, I would've guessed was about five moons, glanced at me but didn't think anything about it. They must have a lot of cats stuck in this terrible place. I shivered at the thought. No wonder Shadepaw was a terrible cat, how long had he been here? I watched as young apprentices gritted their teeth at each other and one pounced on him, tearing his flank. The other latch did onto his back and threw him to the ground. A she-kit cautiously stepped up to the leader's ledge, her tail fell between her legs as she dropped a scrawny mouse at his paws.

     "What?! Do you expect me to eat crow food? It was your day to hunt for me!" The leader shouted angrily, but he looked much more fit and muscular to hunt than the tiny she-kit did. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. This was no BloodClan orTigerClan — stories I had heard from the elders — this was much worse. And from what I could see, there was no way to fix it. 

      Shadepaw went on as if this was nothing.  As the tom stopped to look around, I lost my balance and my paws gave out, I fell onto the forest floor. Shadepaw spun around, "What in StarClan— Whitepaw? What are you doing here?! " Then he muttered something about 'stupid medicine apprentices'.

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