Forty-Six - Chevelle

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Timber and I went up the restaurant first thing in the morning. I wanted to get this meeting over with as soon as possible. Waiting for information was driving me crazy. Patriarch was waiting at the door, looking all kinds of calm and patient. I wished I could've channeled even half of his relaxed nature. It would sure make my life a whole lot easier.

"Hey," I said, attempting to be polite and not start off with demanding answers to a million questions running around through my head.

Nodding at me, Patriarch let us into the restaurant and quickly locked the door behind me. "Come to the back room. It's the best place to show you what I made."

By that, I'm sure he meant the safest place for us to talk without anyone knowing. We all went back. He pulled out a chair for me which I gratefully took. Something told me I'd need to sit down for this conversation.

"The note came through right away in the morning," Patriarch said.

"How?" Timber asked.

"I have a computer set up that communicates to other similar devices. It's basic, but it does the job. I also have the video phone set up back here as well. Obviously, it's called something else, but you get the idea." He pointed to the back corner of the office. There was a number of electrical wires, screens, and other hardware all piled up onto a desk. I couldn't imagine any of it working, but maybe that was the point. Make it all look like it was just a pile of junk when really it was a pile of gold.

Timber tilted his head to the side. "And they don't monitor you using this stuff?"

"They know about some of it. Most of the things I do are get information for the Achlivans from my inside source, trade negotiations, and overall gossip from aboard the other ships in the area. Some are from fellow Achlivans, and occasionally I hear something from a Gorgachan ship. Those on the Gorgachan ships don't talk as much, for obvious reasons, but it's good to know how they are being treated and if there is anything we can do to help each other out," Patriarch explained.

"Right, just in case. Because while they're fighting with each other, we aren't fighting with the other humans," Timber said. "This about our survival, not their arguments that they've dragged us into."

I could hear the bitterness in his voice. It was grainy, strained. And here I thought he was jumping on Paul's train, and riding along with the whole "aliens taking over" business. Shows how little I knew about him, and how great he was at hiding his true feelings.

Patriarch cracked a smile, and I could tell by his raised eyebrows that he was surprised as well. "Something along those lines, and the Achlivans are okay with our communication with other humans. It's kind of a don't ask, don't tell, system. So long as I'm not doing anything that's going to compromise the ship and accept responsibility for my actions, they're okay with it. I'm not the only messenger aboard, but the most active. It's for my..." He glanced at Timber and stopped himself.

"For your what?" I asked.

"The Preservation Movement," he said quietly. Again, Patriarch's gaze went to Timber and he kept it on him for a long time. "That is something the Achlivans wouldn't be happy to know about, so if you breathe a word of it to anyone, including Paul, things will not go well for you."

Timber held up his hands. "Whoa, relax! I don't know what you're talking about, or why it's considered bad, but I won't say anything. You don't need to threaten me."

"I do, or you won't understand how serious I am."

"I'm not going to say anything." Timber's eyes narrowed. "We'll just leave it at, I didn't hear anything. How's that?"

"Fine." Patriarch walked us over to the corner with all of the devices. "Video calls are the most observed of communications, so the Achlivans will be watching whatever we broadcast. However, given the delicacy of the situation, they've given me permission to help with coming up with an underground approach at getting Wicken back."

"What about Talia?" Timber asked.


"My girlfriend."

Patriarch sighed. "She wasn't mentioned in my last conversation with Paul about the matter, but we can add her to the mix as well. Shouldn't be too hard to do. During your video conference with each other, I'm going to need you to just keep things light. Catch up, relax, that sort of thing. No talking details and the like. If he tries, change the subject."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because if the Achlivans can watch, that means the Gorgachan can too. What would be the point?" he said, giving me a pointed look. "I'm working with my guy on the other end to come up with some kind of a plan to get over there and back again. Thing is, he wants stuff in return for letting us use his equipment to orchestrate this operation."

"Is it stuff you can give?" Timber asked.

Laughing, Patriarch nodded. "Yeah, it's not anything too hard to do. Coordination is key. As is making sure all of the other factors all line up perfectly. We all have an important role to play in this task."

"Whatever you need from me, I'll do it." Timber's fists clenched at his sides.

Patriarch's gaze rested on Timber's hands. "I sure hope so. We can discuss all of that in the next few days. Right now, I want to coordinate with you our video call. Can't wait to see the kid, I miss him too."

I'd get to see him. That was something. Talking to him about how to bring him back to me was what I wanted most, but just seeing him was a start. It broke me inside all the same. How would he interpret my lack of wanting to plan things out with him? I didn't want him to think I didn't care.

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