1- In which Frank talks shit about self help books.

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The house was quiet. Too quiet. But that was only because once again he was the only one in the house, just like every other day. But right now it was perfect. He could go through with this and there would be nobody to stop him. He wouldn't be bothering anybody anymore.

• • •

Every day was the same. A tiring repeat of mundane tasks that had absolutely no point whatsoever, their only purpose to make Frank 'get somewhere' in this so called life.

That was what he was told every time he proposed the question of what's the point? But nobody seemed to have the answer. 'Because you just have to!' or 'So that you can have a nice life' were probably the most popular answers. Then came the inevitable but why? to which nobody once again could answer.

Frank didn't like not knowing things, I guess you could say it scared him. This was why he didn't like to be alone with his thoughts, because his mind always turned to the question of why am I here? Then his mind would go off on an uncontrollable tangent of dark thoughts and things that he really didn't want to dive into.

But Frank couldn't help that could he? No, of course not, because for some reason that was probably karma getting back at him for being a little shit when he was younger, his fucked up brain decided to make him see everything as pointless. And that means everything.

Things that he once found interesting he couldn't find bearable anymore. He couldn't listen to more than 5 seconds of a song before changing it, which was bad news seeing as music was basically his lifeline and had helped him through most of the hard times in his shitty life.

I guess Franks life wasn't that shitty compared to other people's, because yeah maybe most nights he fell asleep hungry and/or doubting why he was still fucking alive, but people did have it worse than him, so that's probably why he thought he didn't matter.

Oh my god this is staring to sound like some overpriced-probably-written-by-people-who-are-currently-having-a-mid-life-crisis-and-somehow-thought-that-it-was-a-good-idea-to-tell-the-whole-world-about-it shitty self help book. But fuck, this is not a self help book and as fucked up and boring as this may sound it is the story of Franks life. And fuck, you better be prepared because I'm not going to sugar coat this shit, life is certainly not pretty.

• • •

So yeah, that happened. Jfc I have like 5 other fanfictions that I have started to write but I decided to publish this one. Now I know that this is probably gonna be really shit but please just give it a chance?? Idk I'll probs give up halfway bc I am lazy af but also a fucking perfectionist (not a good combination) soo... I hope you enjoy whatever the fuck this is going to become so yEAH FANFICTION TIME YESS.

P.s yes the title of this story is a refrence to the one and only twenty øne piløts bc they are my sons but shhh...

P.p.s I love you whoever the fuck is actually reading this (yay!!) and any votes/comments would be very appreciated xox

P.p.p.s I have written the second chapter and its ALOT longer than this so be prepared ;) xox

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