The Story

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I spot her from a mile away. Her perfect golden brown skin and black locks are all too familiar to me. When she sees me, her face lights up, and unless I'm mistaken, she blushes a little. The adrenaline I feel every time I see her kicks in, and I half walk - half run to greet her. We embrace for a few seconds, before she looks up at me and says

"Ive missed you Damon Salvatore."

"I've missed you too, Bonbon. " I say with a flirtatious grimace. She looks down to conceal a smile, then looks back up at me. She is definitely blushing.

"Hello? Damon?" She says impatiently. I have a moment of panic as I realise I've been in my own world, lost in her chocolate brown eyes and completely stopped paying attention.

"Yes, you should do that." I say, hoping the answer was suitable for the question.

"What? Damon that makes no sense.. were you even listening to me?" She sounds angry, I don't want to ruin our relationship by making her feel unappreciated.

"Yes, of course I was Bonnie... you were talking about the decade dance and wether you should ask Caroline if it could be the 30s. "

"And then I moved on and started talking about Jeremy and asked what the I should do about the fact that he cheated on me with his dead ex - girlfriend!"

"Sorry Bonnie, I've had a lot on my plate recently... Elena basically proclaimed to the entire world that im a monster and she'll never love me." I say with a sigh. I'm hit in the stomach with a pang of sorrow. Then that sorrow turns to cold anger and I feel like ripping someone's head off. Bonnie grabs my hand.

"Hey its okay Damon... I know you're not a monster." I stare at our intertwined hands and feel myself coming back to reality. I can always rely on Bonnie to be there for me. We stare into each others eyes for what feels like eternity, and I realise my feelings for her are real.

*ding-dong* I ring the bell to Elena's house. I don't know why I'm here, perhaps I just want to know that Elena doesn't hate me, or maybe I just need my drinking buddy Alaric. To my luck, Alaric opens the door.

"Damon, hi!" He says with a smile.

"Hey is Elena here?" I ask, his face drops as he says

"Sure, she's in the kitchen, come in." Waiting to be invited in was just me being polite, I've already been invited in before, I can come in as and when I please.

"Hi Damon." Elena says, cautiously

"You still hate me.... or?" I ask, though I'm sure I don't want the answer.

"I don't hate you, Damon. But I don't love you either. I want us to be friends." I feel anger, sadness and a million other emotions... but there's a part of me that can't stop thinking about those cherry red lips of Bonnies.

"Okay, I've actually got to go meet a friend at the grill, I just wanted to see your face, bye guys." I leave before they can answer, but no I'm not going to the grill, im going to Bonnie's house.

"Oh hi Damon, wasn't expecting you again today." She says startled, but I can tell by her eyes that she's glad I'm here.

"Yeah I just thought I'd pop round to ask if you've had any luck with the decade dance, and I'm in need of a friend." I say as she leads me through a hall of floating feathers, the standard room in a witch's house.

"Join the club. Jeremy just said it was my fault about what happened with Anna... I think he's delusional."

"He is delusional, if he can take an amazing person like you for granted, goodness knows what he'll do with the rest of us" She smiles at me and giggles a little.

"Elena was wrong, you know. You're not a monster, just a lonely vampire who's been through too much." I look at my shoes. I don't want to admit it, but she just gave the dictionary definition of me.

Many cups of tea later, I remember the decade dance.

"Hey, did you have any luck with Caroline? "

"Yes, actually. She thought it would be a great idea, besides I don't think I could've survived doing 80's dances." She rolls her eyes, which makes me smile. That's my favourite facial expression she has. This is my chance at finally getting Bonnie.

"Er... do you want to go to the dance with me?" I ask, cringing.

"Oh.. er.." She thinks over my proposal.

"I bought you a dress, even if we don't go together I want you to wear it." I present the dress and her jaw drops to the floor.

"Damon.... its beautiful!" She smiles

"Please, go try it on" She kisses me on the cheek and then runs up the stairs, dress in hand.

When she returns, she looks like a goddess. The contrast between the purple of the dress and her brown skin is beautiful. I decide now would be a good time to give her the finishing touch, a silver bracelet with her name carved into it. She stares at it, then looks up, puzzled

"Why are you doing this, Damon?" That I don't know how to answer... so I kiss her. She stands, startled for a moment, then kisses me back, softly at first but then harder and more passionately. Before I know it, we are upstairs and lying on Bonnie's bed, tearing off each other's clothes. I should pull away, but I don't. We give in to each other.

"I love you, Damon Salvatore." She whispers into my ear.

"I love you too Bonnie Bennett."

This is the night of the decade dance, it's 6:05, an hour and 25 minutes before the dance begins, but I turn up early to help with last minute decorations.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Caroline asks

"Name: Caroline Forbes, occupation: nosy Parker. " She sticks her tongue out at me and we continue decorating. At 7:05 Bonnie turns up, and suggests we practice our dance.

"Are you two...?"

"Yes, Caroline" Bonnie says before Caroline finished that sentence. I smile as we assume our positions. Stefan and Elena turn up next, at 7:20, and we walk over to greet them.

"Wait... you two are like a thing now?" Elena asks

"Yes we are, actually, and we're happy!" I say, wiggling my eyebrows. I offer to buy us a round, and as I walk away, I listen to Stefan and Elena's conversation. But I stop when I hear them kissing.

The hall is packed now, and the dance has begun. No one even remotely practiced 30's dance moves, so me and Stefan really stand out from the crowd. Once a few hours have passed and everyone is drunk, the overhead comes on and Caroline begins.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Mystic falls, it is my pleasure to announce that this year's prom king and Queen are... Bonnie Bennet and Damon Salvatore!" I was not expecting that. And judging by her face neither was Bonnie. The crowd applauds us as we make our way up to the stage. Bonnie wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me wildly. The crowd goes insane. I realise in this moment that I don't have to do all the wrong things for all the right reasons. She can make me better. She does make me better.

The Decade Dance: A Bamon FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin