Something You Should Know

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"There is a clear difference between a need and a want. I write down what the ghosts whisper to me because I need to know if I'm going insane" - Harlie Power


High School Isn't Forever

Maybe I'll use a semicolon in an email every once in a while.

Eventually, I'll quote Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet in a conversation for comedic effect.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll use a calculator for an equation I can't figure out in my head.

You learn a lot of things you'll never use again like quadratics or nomenclature but you'll learn how to make friends. You'll learn how important it is to be yourself and you'll learn what kind of person you want to be.

High school is full of useless information... But was it really useless? Was learning out of a textbook useless or did it teach you that you like to be hands-on. Was listening to your teacher drone on about the importance of some blue curtains in an obscure Jane Austen book you will never pick up again, useless or did it teach you that you never want to go into an English study? Was learning about all of these different things really useless or did it teach you that you wanted to learn about something else?

High school isn't forever but the memories you make here are. The happy ones stick with you. The belly-aching, snort-inducing, witch-cackle, you-can-hear-down-the-hallway kind of laugh that only comes out when you're with your friends, you'll remember.

So, forget about the stupid looks people gave and the weird equations you once understood because you'll never need to remember that.

Remember who you are and who you want to be.

Everything melts away as soon as you leave those double doors for the last time so remember the important stuff and forget about the rest.

High school isn't forever, but you are.



There are so many thoughts racing through my head at a single time. I hardly ever know which ones to choose to write about. There's just too many.

Should I write about why I wear my heart on my sleeve?

Or about the monstrous amount of times being vulnerable has led to disaster?

I should write about how the sun feels like an angel's kiss when it shines on my face on a warm summer afternoon.

Maybe I could write about how I fall hard and fast for people.

Is any of that stuff worth writing about?

I could write about how good I feel after crying so hard, I burst a blood vessel in my eye all because I've finished reading a really good book.

I could write about my scars and bruises but I've already done that.

I could write about how I drown myself in melodies and chords to try and block out the crude world I'm constantly immersed in.

Writing about my life has been cathartic. Letting my thoughts flow onto the page to paint a picture in your mind.

Are you picturing anything? Are you picturing me writing this on one of the comfiest blue chairs you'll ever sit in and listening to The Fray on my black, wired, JBL earbuds?

The Overshared And Underappreciated Mind Of A Hopeless RomanticWhere stories live. Discover now