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"Love is the poison that infects my blood. I can feel it burn it's way through my veins. A fire I welcome with open arms, because I'm a sucker for pain" - Harlie Power


The Unexpectedly Expected Death of a Romance

We started off blazing, a flare you could see from miles away in the dark. There was nothing in the world that could have dampened our flames. But all fires fizzle out eventually.

Not everything can be my fault, but I can't help blaming myself for everything that has gone wrong. Every miscommunication, every misdirection, every mistake that drove a wedge between us big enough to crush me ... and it did.

It's fresh, the wound of our love. I've been trying and failing to stitch myself back together, but I'm having a hard time without the instruction manual. I keep tearing at the stitches because I've found comfort in the sadness it brings me. The pain of ripping the thread from my skin is a kind of ecstasy I've become addicted to.

There are so many promises I have to let go of. So many plans I've made for us I have to throw in the trash. I'm not ready to do that, not ready to give up like you have. I'm holding onto a burning coal and it's leaving welts on my skin. I can taste blood in my mouth and it's metallic and heavy. I can't spit it out.

It was so sweet in the beginning, it was addictive. The secrets I've shared with you and the moments of intimacy can't be taken back. You know so many things about me that I'm not sure I even know myself.

Now it leaves that heavy, metallic taste in my mouth and the ashes of our blaze rest untouched deep in the catacombs of my heart. You may be another chapter in my book, another character I've met on my journey, but I think this one was my favourite.

I hope you don't forget about me. I hope I don't end up as another picture on the wall. I hope I don't end up just another burnt-out candle. I'll always love you. I won't break that promise.


A Life Of Temporaries

Cake, but not actual cake, an ice-cream cake. She doesn't like actual cake, the icing makes her teeth hurt.

The party starts at twelve. She's been really excited about this the entire month. Counting down the days until she turns thirteen; she invited the entire class to her birthday party. She decided to hold it at her aunt's house. She has a pool.

Her mum got a lot of snacks and party favours for everyone. There were pineapples everywhere. The party was Hawaiian themed, but looking back it probably wasn't the greatest idea.

She had an announcement to make when everyone was there. Something she wanted her friends to know.

The clock chimed twelve. The bell echoed through the house and rang in her ears.

No one was there yet. People were late.

She sat on the chairs at the bar across from the pool. She was waiting patiently for people to show up.

An hour went by.

Then two.

Then three.

They weren't coming. Her friends had forgotten about her.

She couldn't tell them the big secret. She was moving.


There was no point in keeping the Hawaiian tikis on the bar and the brown grass skirts lining the tables outside anymore; she decided to clean up.

The Overshared And Underappreciated Mind Of A Hopeless RomanticWhere stories live. Discover now