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Eui could still remember the first time that she met her uncles. She had never really known them growing up; they already had moved on with their lives by the time she was adopted and there was not much time for family visits when running from the law and other pirates.

She was five, in the care of her brother. Yong walked slowly in order to convenience her short five year old legs. Yong was scared. Eui could tell that much; he was squeezing her hand.

"Your hurting me" Eui whined. Yong let go of her hand, then quickly grabbed it again. That was when Eui knew that they were actually in danger. They were lost too. What was supposed to be a simple shopping trip for prank supplies had turned into a traumatic experience.

"Hey boys, look at this!" A man came swaying out of a nearby tavern. Yong pulled his sister closer, pushing Eui behind him.

"What's a bunch of babies doing out this far?" Another man asked. Yong didn't answer, slowly backing him and Eui into a wall. Someone put a hand on the first man, pulling him back.

"Those babies happen to be my niece and nephew. Now piss off before I make you" San ordered.

"Yeah, piss off!" Wooyoung added.

"I had no idea, Mr. Choi. You should keep a better eye on your kiddies" The second man, trapped in the arms of Yeosang, tried his best to apologize. Yeosang rolled his eyes, disgusted.

"Oh go on, and don't ever come near another child again" San pushed the two men away, causing them to stumble and then run. Wooyoung knelt down in front of Yong and Eui.

"Are you two okay?" Yeosang wondered.

"Uncle Sangie!" Yong threw himself into the man's arms. Eui stood back, not sure who these three men were.

"It's okay, Eui. This is Uncle San, Uncle Youngie and Uncle Sangie" Yong made himself comfortable in Yeosang's arms, turning back to his sister. Eui has no idea what he was talking about but if her brother trusted these guys, then she did too. With little hesitation, she stepped into Wooyoung's embrace and let herself be picked up.

"What are you guys doing out this far?" San wondered.

"Getting prank stuff. But we got lost" Yong answered.

"I'll say. You wandered over to the adult part of town. You shouldn't be out here alone. Where are your dads?" Wooyoung questioned. Eui was still staring at him, studying this strange man. Yong didn't answer.

"Kim Yong" San prompted.

"We might have walked away from them while they weren't looking" Yong admitted. Yeosang tapped him firmly on the hip, warning. Yong blushed, embarrassed.

"Do you know where you last saw them?" Wooyoung wondered. Yong pointed them in the right direction and they soon found Hongjoong and Seongwha.

"There you are!" Seongwha handed Ji-Seok over to Hongjoong and ran over.

"Where did you go?" Hongjoong wondered, walking over more slowly. He was still scared and it was clear that he had been nervous about losing the kids. Yong buried his face in Yeosang's neck, embarrassed.

"We found them outside the tavern. Some guys were being a little rowdy" Yeosang answered.

"Thank goodness you were there. What were they doing out there?" Hongjoong rocked Ji-Seok back and forth, keeping the youngest asleep.

"Looking for prank supplies" Wooyoung answered, a little amused and also disappointed. Seongwha gave both kids a stern look.

"Appa! These guys tried to kidnap us!" Eui screeched, finally realizing that Hongjoong and Seongwha were there. Her volume woke up Ji-Seok and he started squirming. Hongjoong tried not to show his annoyance. It had taken him forever to get the two year old to sleep.

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