The bond of siblings

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Eui had a habit of doing irrational things simply because she was frustrated about something for a moment or two. She was smarter about it now than she had been as a kid but that did not make much of a difference to Seongwha or Hongjoong. They didn't like her doing it at all and they had tried to make that very clear over the past ten years. 

"I'm done with you!" Eui pushed Ji-Seok to the floor and stormed off.

"Well I'm done with you too!" He yelled after her, turning and climbing up the crow's nest. 

"Kim Ji-Seok!" Seongwha followed his youngest son, hands on his hips. Ji-Seok looked back down at Seongwha.

"What?!" Ji-Seok snapped. Hongjoong walked over also, causing their youngest to quickly climb down, afraid of what would happen if he didn't. Hongjoong walked off again to try and find Eui but failed. The next time they docked, Eui took the first chance she had to run off and she ended up lost on the Flowing Skerry, a small island designed simply for pleasure of all kinds. It was at this particular island that things went awry. Eui got lost fairly quickly which wasn't really a surprise. Her saving grace came in the form of two bickering older kids and another boy just observing, looking a little annoyed. Nearby, two other boys were talking quietly.

"Oh hey. Are you lost?" The girl walked over, crouching down in front of Eui. 

"Um yeah" Eui nodded, looking at the kids nervously. They were a little scary. She could probably take a few of them in a fight but not all of them together. 

"Don't worry about them. I'm here" The older girl motioned loosely at her friends. Eui nodded, still a little on guard. 

"I'm Ji-Suh. What's your name?" Ji-Suh wondered.

"Kim Eui. I'm the daughter of Kim Hongjoong, Captain of the Ateez and Park Seongwha, first mate of the Ateez" Eui announced proudly.

"That's cool. I'm the daughter of Boo Seungkwan, a member of the Sector 17 crew. That's my twin brother Jin-Sang and our brother Jung Hee. There's Moon Rae-Hyun and Kim Ri-hoon. Your safe with us, Eui, daughter of the Ateez Captain"  Ji-Suh put a hand on Eui's shoulder as she stood up. The four boys waved as she said their names. 

"Umm, nice to meet you" Eui backed up nervously. Jung Hee ran over, stopping next to her. 

"Hi!" He greeted cheerfully. Eui looked him up and down but he seemed harmless so she just nodded.

"What do you say we take you back to your ship? Your parents must be worried" Jin-Sang offered. Ji-Suh nodded, that was a good idea. With that, the four boys and girl walked Eui back to the Ateez. 

"Dad! Appa! We got company" Ji-seok yelled, jumping off the railing and onto the ground below. Hongjoong and Seongwha peeked over the side of the ship and then ran off it, enveloping Eui into a hug. Yong was right behind them, trying to look cool. He caught Ji-Suh's eye and stared up until Jin-Sang noticed and stepped in front of his sister, glaring at Yong.

"Where did you go?" Seongwha wondered, a hint of frustration in his eyes. Hongjoong was now looking at Eui firmly, now that he was convinced she was unharmed. Eui hung her head, ashamed. At that moment, there was a loud shout from behind and everyone turned to see three taller guys walking over. Hongjoong's face darkened. 

"Sector 17" He greeted, bowing his head a little as the three guys walked over. 

"Ateez" The tallest of them returned the greeting, putting a hand on Ri-hoon's shoulder and drawing his son closer. Jun wrapped an arm around Rae-Hyun and Seungkwan ushered his three kids over to him. Yong watched Ji-Suh, blushing when she looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at her. Jin-Sang's frown deepened. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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