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I finished my hearty breakfast and settled into my chair, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Just as I was about to immerse myself in the day ahead, my phone erupted with a lively ringtone, shattering the peaceful silence of the morning. I reached for it, intrigued by the unexpected interruption. It was Kiran.

I answered the call, eager to catch up with my friend. "Hey Kiran, how's it going?"

"All good. How is your health?"

"My health? Why, do I sound sick?" I replied, pretending to cough dramatically.

Kiran chuckled on the other end of the line. "No, no, I just meant in a general sense."

"I'm still recovering," I reassured him.

"So, when are you coming over to taste my world-famous burnt toast?" he teased.

"Okay, I'll bring the fire extinguisher."

Kiran laughed heartily at the response. "Make sure you bring some butter too."

"Consider it done! Did you miss me?"

"No, but Jasper did," he chortled happily.

"Oh, if Jasper could talk, I will never talk with you again," I quickly retorted.

"Ouch, that hurts!" He screamed as if I clubbed a dager through his heart.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then." With a mischievous chuckle, I ended the call.

Standing before the brass-framed mirror, I gazed at the reflection staring back at me. With each stroke of the comb through my hair, I sought to present a polished exterior to the world. Yet, the mirror revealed more than just a well-groomed appearance. It reflected a soul brimming with love, happiness, and an ambition for success.

Grabbing the Nutella from the kitchen, I walked into the living room where my mom was deeply engrossed in a book. The room bathed in a golden light as the morning sun streamed in through the windows, casting a cheerful glow over the furniture and walls. Mom looked up from her book, and smiled warmly at me.

"Hello there! Trying a new look, are we?" she teased, a playful twinkle in her eye.

"Sure! I can be a head-turner, Mom."

Her playful twinkle turned into a full blown smile. "Careful with that hairstyle, you might cause some neck injuries."

I chuckled at her comment. "I'll be careful!"

"And where are you going, Jaikar?"

"I'm going to Kiran's house to thank him for taking care of me after the stitches," I said, taking a seat on the nearby couch.

"Ah, that's very thoughtful of you. I'm sure Kiran will appreciate the Nutella," she replied, setting her book aside.

"Thanks, Mom. See you later!" I said, heading towards the door with a smile.

Saying goodbye to my mom, I decided to ride my bike to Kiran's house. The weather was ideal for a leisurely ride, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. When I arrived at Kiran's house, I parked my bike and walked up to the front door. Kiran was already there, waiting for me with a smile.

"Hello, hero of hearts!" He waved at me.

"Hey Kiran, this one's better than butter," I replied, handing him the jar of Nutella.

He smiled as he accepted the gift. "You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did."

As I entered the house, I was greeted by Jasper, his tail wagging furiously, as if he had just won the lottery, and his tongue lolled out in a big, goofy grin. He leaped into my arms, nearly knocking me off balance. I laughed, trying to steady myself as he showered me with enthusiastic licks.

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